The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 728

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

Boo; 11; PSALMS. PsALMs 80, 81. IO Il I2 16 18 20 S1·ANzA 2. O Gon EvER—1.1vmc;, of Hosts, Till when slight the graycrs of Your race? ` You feed them with rcad made with tears, And measure out tears as a drink; You make us a. By·word to friends, And at us our enemies laugh: Tum to us again, O Gon 0F Tim H0s·rs And the light of Your presence will save! Srimze 3. From Mitzer You brought out a vine, To plant it, You Nations expelled. You prepared for it, and it took root, It rooted and iilled all the land. It covered the Mountains with shade, And its boughs were like Cedars of GOD. It sent out its roots to the Sea, And as far as the- River it shoots. So why have You broken its fence, That all who pass by it may strip 2 The swine from the forest devour, And the beasts of the field eat its leaves; Gon 0F Hosts, new turn to us again, Look down. from the Heavens and see, And visit this vine, And the root that Your right hand has planted, And the Child You had reared for Yourself. Srmza 4 It is burned in the tire, like sticks, It dies et rebuke from Your face, Let Your hand guard the man of Your choice, Adam’s Son whom You raised for Yourself. And from You we will never desert. Preserve us, who call on Your N ame, O LoRD, the Gob of the Hosts, Rest on us the light of Your Presence, and save l PSALM 8:. 1 To the Conductors ofthe Guitars. Qi; Qzzqrly. Suuzs r. Let us cheer to Gon, our Helper; Let us cheer for ]acob's GOD I Shake trimbrill, and beat on the drum, Along with the sweet harp, and lute; Sound, as when feasting, the horn, As we do on the day of New Moon ; For that is in Israel a rule, From ]acob's Gon was a Decree. He fixed it a witness for joseph, When he camefrom the land of Mitzraim, Where he heard a Tongue that he knew not, Where his back I relieved from the load,

Nora.-—Psalm 80, v. 12. “ The River "—-the Euphrates.——·F. F.

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0728

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