PsA1.Ms g4, 9 5.
Boox V.
S1·ANzA 5.
Against the bad, who helped me?
Against the vile, who joined ?
The LORD was my ally,
When life fell, nearly dumb,
My feet slip}
Your mercy, Loma, held up;
In many doubts within,
Your comforts cheered my soul.
Who plots against the Law,
Can his throne join with Yours?
Who hunt the good man's life,
And shed the saintly blood.
Be, Loma, to me a Peak,
My GOD, a Rock of Hope,
And tum on them their crimes,
Destroy them by their Sins,
Destroy them Loan, our GOD.
S:rANzA x.
Come on ! let us cheer to the Lonn,
Hurrah for the Rock that we trust!
Be early before Him with praise,
And to Him hurrah in our Psalms;
For a Great GOD is the LORD,
A Great King above every God!
In His hands are the bounds of the Earth,
And His are the wings of the Hills.
His is the Sea, for He made it,
And His own hands have moulded its Tribes!
S1·ANzA 2.
Come on !_ let us bow down and kneel,
To the LIFE, who has made us, give thanks;
For He is Our GOD,
And we are His Race,
His Flock, and the sheep of His hand!
SrANzA 3.
To-day, if you list to My! voice,
As at Meribah turn not your hearts,
Like at Masah, they did in the Waste,
When your fathers perverted themselves,
To try Me, tho' seeing My works!
I strove forty years with that race,
And I said in My anguish of heart,
‘ These! These! will not learn of My paths! ’
Then I swore in My wrath,
are so much alike as in
in the first person, in accordance with the MSS. to be easilyconfused, as seems likely
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