The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 739
The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers
PSALMS.B001<‘ V.PsALMs gg, 94.PSALM 93.S:rAr~:z.a 1.The LORD is a. King clothed iu splendour,T he LORD`s Robe with power is girt:Yes! fixed like Ea1·th’s orbit secure.S1·nzzA z.You settled Your Throne,For, from Ever, You WERE!The Rivers lift up, O LORD,Rivers lift up their voice,Rivers lift up their roar,With the sounds of great waters,Mighty waves of the Sea,T0 honour the LORD in the height!They are true witness to You,Holiness graces Your House,O LORD, to the end of all time!PSALM 94.Smnza z.O Gon of justice, O Loran!O GOD of glorious Right !Rise up, judge the Earth,Lay judgment on pride!S1·ANzA 2.T ill when, LORD, shall the bad,Till when the bad exult,And utter haughty words,And boast of wicked deeds?They crush Your People LORD,And ravage Your Estate;Widow, and Stranger murder,And Orphans they oppress.They say, *‘ The LIFE sees not;Nor ]acob's GOD can know !S·rANzA 3.Reflect you brutish Race:When will you fools reflect?Who formed the ear, can hear,Who forms the eye, can see.Who Nations rules, can order,Who teaches man, must know.The LORD knows human thoughts,That as themselves, are weak.Smuza 4.Blest is the man You rule,And teach about Your laws,To comfort in hard times,Till sorrow‘s Grave is dug.The LORD leaves not His Race,Nor casts 0H His Estate,But brings the Good their Right,The just of heart, their pay.739IO