The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 742

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

PSALMS. Boox V. PsAz.Ms gy, 98, gg. I0 II I2 For You, LORD, are on high, Supreme o’er all the Earth, And over all the Powers. S1‘ANzA 4. Who love the LORD, hate vice; His Saints’ lives He preserves, And frees from wicked hands. He sows light forthe Good; And joy for upright hearts. Cnonus. Let the Righteous rejoice in the Loan, And thank for remembering His Saints. PSALM 98. Sing to the LORD, Sing a new song for His wonderful act; He has saved by His hand, and by His Holy arm ;—— For His Victory, give thanks to the Loan, Show the eyes of the Nations His might I To Israel’s House tell His kindness, and Truth, Show Earthfs bounds the success of our GOD. To the LORD then make all the land cheer; Break out, and hurrah, and sing Psalms; Chant to the LORD with a Harp, With the Harp, and the sound of the Drum. With the gong and the sound of the horn, Hurrah for the LORD who is KING! Let the Sea roar, and all it contains, The World, andthe Dwellers thereon; Let the streams clap their hands, Let them cheer with the hills ; To the LORD, Who has come to rule Earth, With justice to govern the World, And the Peoples by Right! PSALM gg. Smxsza x. The Loan is King! Let Peoples tremble! HR stations Viceroysl Let Earth shake! STANZA 2. The LORD is great in Zion; And high above all Tribes. They praise Your Mighty Name, The dreadful, and the Holy! Srauza 3. You, mighty King, love justice; You iixed the just men’s rights; And kindness showed to jacob. HORUs. Exalt the LORD our GOD; And to His footstool bow,-· For it is Holy I 742
Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0742

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