The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 743

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

PsALMs gg, mo,-

PSALMS. 101. Boox V. SxANzA 4. Moses, and Aaron, with His Priests, And Samuel called upon His NAME, They called the LGRD, and He replied; Gov from the Cloudiug Pillar spoke! They kept the proofs and Laws He gave. S:rANzA 5. You answered, LGRD, our GOD, O GOD, You were their help, And punished all their foes. Exalt the Loan our Gon!

And bow down on His Holy Hill! For our Loan Gon is Holy. PSALM 100. .3 §¤nlm uf §1·¤isz. Hurrah to the LORD all the Earth; Serve the LORD with delight `; Come into His Presence with cheering, Acknowledge the LORD as the GOD, Who made us, and not we, ourselves, His People, and sheep of His fold. Come enter His Gates, then, with thanks, Extol Him with praise in His Courts, By blessing His Name.

For THE Lum is eternally kind, His mercy will last for all time, And for ages His Truth. PSALM rox. 3 Qsalm hg ‘@nhih. S·rANzA 1. Of Mercy and Justice I sing ;-· To You I will chant hymns, O LGRD; I think on the 'straightforward path, ‘ When to me will He come ? ’ For I walkiwith true heart in my house, I put not loose thoughts in my sight, I hate what would turn me to them, To me they shall not stick! Smnza 2. I will send the false-hearted away, Of the Wicked I never will learn ; The proud haughty-eyed I will banish; With the greedy heart I will not dine. I will look for the True in the land ; Those who follow straight paths will support And they shall be servants of mine. The liar shall not dwell in my house, Nor the traitor remain in my sight, I will drive all the vile from the land, From the LORD’S Citv fling all depraved. 743

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0743

The History of the People of Israel