The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 747

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

PSALMS. · m4, 105. Boox V, S·:A¤z4 3. He Bxed the Moon her times, The Sun taught when to set; Makes darkness, and night comes, When forest beasts all move; The tigers roar for prey, And seek their food from GOD} The Sun bursts out, they fly, And crouch down in their deus, Man goes out to his work, And labours till the dusk. Srzmzs 4. How many, Loxm, your works! With knowledge all are made; Your wealth has filled the Earth; That great and rolling Sea, Your hand with reptiles Hlled, The small, as well as great! The ships can travel there; You there made Serpents sport ; All these rely on You, To give them daily food! You give it,·arid they take, Your wide hand Hlls with sweets. You close Your hand,-——they faint, You stop their breath, they die, And go back to their dust! Srarzza 5. You send creative breath, The face of earth renews; G0¤’s power is eternal; The LORD joys in His works; He frowns at Earth :-·it trembles; He strikes the Hills :—-—tl1ey smoke! Tun Cuonus. I sing the Loma for life; I chant to GQD for ever; My thought of Him is sweet, My joy is in the Lokn; Let Sinners die from Earth, And Villains cease to be; But my soul bless the Loan, Give honour to the LIFE! PSALM 105. Sunza r. Give praise to the Loxb and call on His Name; Proclaim to the Peoples His Works; Sing to Him; Chant to Him, and think of His wonders; Praise His Hour Name; And seek the Lon:) gladly; Seek the LORD and His might, Always search for His face, Remembering His wonders; The portents and judgments He gave, Race of Abraham His friend, Sons of jacob, His chosen! 747 20 2 I 22

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Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0747

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