The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 748

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

PSALMS. Psnu xo5. Bcox V I0 II I2 16 :8 2I 22 26 28 33 Srzmza 2. For our Gon is Life; Who rules on the earth; Remember His Bond for thousands of ages, With Abraham He fixed, Which to Isaac He promised, And settled with jacob The Bond made with Israel, ‘ I give you this land, Of wide Canan to hold,’ When but few in number, So little and strangers, Among Tribes they wandered, Alone in the kingdoms, He let no man hurt them ; Punished Kings for their sakes, ‘ Touch not Mine Anointed, Do My Preachers no harm l' Srauza 3. He sent dearth on the earth, And He broke the whole staff of bread Sent before them a man, Sold joseph to slavery, Put his feet in the stocks, Iron pierced to his soul; Till the time had arrived. The LORD’s action refined. The King sent and released, The Tribes’ Chief then set free, Made Prince of his House, And to rule all his wealth; By His will guide His Chiefs, And his Nobles instruct. Suuza 4. He brought Israel to Mitzer. jacob lodged in Ham’s land. There His People increased, Grew to more than their foes Whose heart rose to hate, And to murder His Race. STANZA 5. He sent Moses His servant, And His chosen Ahron, With wondrous powers, And signs, to Ham’e land. Sent gloom and it darkened, Obeying His power, To blood turned their streams, And sent death to their fish, Shot frogs on their land, And the beds of their King l He spoke, locusts came, And lice in their bounds. He gave pouring hail, Fire flamed in their land. Struck their vines and figs, And smashed all the trees! 748
Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0748

The History of the People of Israel