Boot V.
Psnus xc;. 106.
Ho spcke·—vex·mi¤ came,
And uunumbered, devoured;
Ate all herbs in their land ;
Ate all fruits on the ground!
He struck their cou¤try's heirs,
The Brst knit of their love;
But brought us out with wealth,
We were not lame or weak ;
Mitzer joyed as we went,
For great fear fell ou her!
Sreuznl 6.
He spread cloud to shade;
Fire lighted by night l
They asked,—·-HB brought quails;
The skies hlled with bread!
Springs leaped from the rocks,
In Deserts brooks tiowedl
His `Word he kept true,
To Abraham His friend.
Led His Race with joy,
With cheering His chosen,
Gave them Heathen lands,
And works of those Tribes,
lf they keep His decrees,
And always His laws:
Give Lrvme Lum thanks.
PSALM 106.
S1•Ax~x‘zA r.
Exalt the Lum, and praise the Loxw,
Who is good, and His mercy is for ever.
Smuza z.
Who can tell. ]ehovah’s Might?
His Glories who can tell?
Who keeps to blessed justice,
At all times doing right!
Srmza 3.
Remember me, LOR¤, with Your Chosen
And enrol with the Race that You saved;
To look on Your friends in success,
To joy with Your Peoples’ delight,
With your country be glad l
Suuza 4.
We have sinned, as our fathers hadasinned;
Our fathers in Mitzer, thought not on Your wonders;
Nor Your many mercies remembered,
But rebelled at the Sea,—-·at the Sea of the Weeds.
Yet He saved them because of His N Aim,
And to publish His power.
To the Weed-Sea He soke;-and it dried,—··
gAnd they marched in t e depth, as a. field,
When He saved from the hand of their foes,
And redeemed from their enemies hand I
Their oppressors were whelmed in the Sea.
Not one from among them was left l`
Then they put their trust in His word,