Booz VI. my, 1c7A, xo8. PSALMS.
Then their spirit melts iu them for fear.
They reel, and they stagger as drunk,
And all their intelligence fails;
Then they cry to the LORD in their grief,
And He leads them out from distress.
He orders the storm to be still,
And the billows to quiet themselves.
And they smile as they see them abate,
And rejoice at the comfort received.
‘ Give thanks to the LORD for His mercy,
And wonders He does for the children of men !
Exalt in the people’s assembly,
In the Hall of the Nobles give praise.
For He to the Desert gives brooks.
And water springs to the Dry—land!
Rich country He turns to salt marsh,
For the sins of those dwelling therein.
He can give to the Desert a. lake,
And springs to the waterless grounds,
And there He can settle the hungry,
And found them a City to dwell;
And they cultivate tields, and plant farms,
And make them to yield up their fruits;
He blesses them and they grow great,
And their cattle are never decreased.
If they are reduced and depressed,
By oppression, and trouble, or grief,
He pours on their Princes contempt,
And they wander in wastes without pathsl
But He raises the wretched and poor,
And guards them like sheep in His fold.
The upright will see and be glad,
And wickedness shut up her mouthl
The Wise should make note about this;
And on the LORD's kindness reflect.
PSALM 108.
3 §ingi¤g §¤a1m, hg Qairih.
I will sing with heart constant to GOD:
I will chant to Him with all my might.
Awake up my lute, and my harp;
I will awake in the dark!
'1`o the Tribes I will publish You Loran;
I will chant to the Nations of You ;
For Your Mercy is wide as the skies,
And Your truth is as high as the clouds.
Gon! Your Grandeur is over the skies,
And Your Majesty over the Earth.
N o·rn.——The Mediaaval Masoritic Editors number IOSA is clearly a traditional version of
have evidently confused two Psalms into one, Psalm 60, and preserved amongst the special
which they numbered as 108, by not observ· psalms of David, and so the wording of xo8A
ing the opposite sense of them. I, therefore, varies somewhat from Psalm 60.-···F. F.
restore the original forms. The Psalm l
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