The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 755

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

PSALMS. Boox VI. Psnms 109, 110. S·rAx~:zA 3. Let usurcrs seize all they have, And their earnings by strangers be robbed; Let no kindness be poured out for them, Nor pity their orphans be shown. But let their posterity fail; Blot their name in the following age! The LORD of their fathefs crimes think, And their m0ther’s sins never blot out I Let them always be clear to the Loma, But their memory erased kom the earth; For they thought not of merciful acts; But pursued the poor desolate man, And murdered the broken in heart! Srawzk 4. He loved cursing :·——·so let it meet him, Hated blessing :—··so drive it away. In cursing he clothed like a cloak, And took it like drink to his breast, lt entered like oil to his bones! Let it be like the `clothing he wears, And the belt that encircles his waist! Thus let the Loan pay to my foes, Who speak to do wrong to my life! Srknza 5. But You work for me, LIVING LORD, For your NAME, for your Mercy relieves, Whilst I am but wretched and poor, And my heart is depressed in my breast. Like a shadow that stretches I pass, Like a locust I'm tossed up and down! Srzmzk 6. My knees shook from fasting, Body wasted from fat! To them I became a contempt, They looked on me shaking their heads! O comfort me, my LIVING GOD, And in your sweet Mercy protect; And teach me that this was Your hand, That You, Lotto, have done it alone. And that tho’ they curse :-—·You will bless!

They rise but to fall :·—~but Your servant can smile. O clothe my accuser in shame, And wrap like a shawl in disgrace. ENVOY. II I2 :6 I8 20 2I 22 26 28

I will thank the LORD much with my mouth 30 In the midst of the crowd I will praise, For He stands at the hand of the poor, To save from the judges his life. PSALM no. Qt §salm kg Qniziil. STANZA, 1. The LORD said to my Prince, ‘ Sit on My right hand, Till I place your foes As a stool for your feet.

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