The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 759
The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers
PSALMS.Booz VI.Psnus 1:6, uy, 118.PSALM 116.Srmzx 1.I love the Loxn who heardMy voice, and pitied me;Who to me bent His ear,S0 daily I will call.The Bands of Death had bound,The Grave’s griefs had arrived,I grief and anguish met,But called the Lcxw by name,‘ Ol Loma, relieve mylife ;’The Lord was good and kind,And our Gob was benign.Smmza 2.The LORD will guard the weak,I fell, but yet He saved.Return to rest my soul,The Loran restores you peace,My life relieved from Death,Mine eyes relieved from tears,My feet from falling down II walked before the Loma,In lands of savage beasts;I trusted, so I spoke,When I was much distressed;I said in my alarm,That all men will deceive.Suuza 3.What can I give the LORD,For all His gifts to me ?I’ll raise Salvation’s Cup,And call the Loan by Name.Will pay the LURD my vows,With all His People near.Dear in the LORD’seyesight,The slaughter of His Saints.LORD, pity me, Your slave,Your slave, Your handmaid's son,Relieve me from my bonds.Then I will o5`er thanks,And call the LORD by NAME;Will pay the LoRD my vows,With all His People near,In Courts of my LoR¤’s House,That in jerusalem stands.Halliluyah lPSALM 117.I0I1I21618Cheer to the LORD all you Nations!And let all the Peoples thank Him.Formighty His Mercy about us,And His Truthfulness is for all time.I-IalliluyahlPSALM 118.Suuza I.THE Cuouz.Thank the Loan whois good,Whose Mercy endures;7 S9