The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 760

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

PsALM :18. Boox VI. PSALMS, Now let Israel say, That His Mercy endures, Let Ahro¤’s House tell, That His Mercy endures; Let the LORD's fearers declare That His Mercy endures! STANZA 2. 10 II I2 x6 18 20 21 22 Tux THANK-Omnnxzn. I called ou THE Lum in distress, THE LIFE heard, and He set me free. The LORD with me, I fear not, What men may do to me; The Loma is my help,

Should I fear those who hate? Better trust on the LORD, Than rely upon men; Better trust on the Loma, Than on Princes rely!. If all Nations surround, In the NAME of the Loxn I defeat I Around me they circled, In the NAME of the LGRD I defeat! They surround me like bees, Like thorn Gres crackle, In the NAME of the Lone I defeat! They rushed on with a rush, But the Loan saved from falling He helped, so I chant to The Lum ; For He was my Saviour! S·r.mzA 3. I cheer loud, and shout in my Tents,

The LGRD strengthens the hand of the Good. The LORD’s right—hand lifts up; The LoRD’s right-hand makes strong I shall not die,—but shall live, And publish the works of THB LIFE. SrANzA 4. THE LIFE punished, to teach And not to dismiss me to Death! Throw open the Gatesof the Right; I will enter them praising THE LIFE ; That is the Gate to the Loma, And the Righteous will enter by it! Irgive thanks, because You have heard, You have become Saviour to me, A Stone by the builders despised. Has gone to the head of the Spire! This result came from the LGRD, And a wonder it was in our sight 1 This the LQRD has done to-day; Over it we are glad, and rejoice! Come now, Loan, and save us; Come now, Loma, the Redeemer! S1‘ANzA 5. THE Pmnsr. 26 Bless who comes in the N AMI: of the Loan! I bless you, from the House of the LORD; Of Gon, Who is LIFE, Who gives to us light. (Rubriw-—Herefasten the GQVIE with ropes to the horns of the Altar.} 760

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0760

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