The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 766

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

Boox VII PsAr.Ms 122, 123, 124, :25. PSALMS. Because of our friends and brothers, We pray that you now may have peace. Because of the House ofthe LORD our GOD, We seek for the good of yourselff PSALM 123. 2\ ipilgriufz Sung. To You I lift mine eyes,—'I‘he dweller in the Heavens . Like as the servants’ eyes are to their master’s hand, And as the handmaid's eyes are for her mistress' sign, So on the LORD our GOD our eyes are ever fixed ! Pity, LORD, O pity us, for we are full of grief, Our haters with their scorn have gorged upon our souls; Depress their haughty pride E PSALM I24, ,3 §iI;3rim’s Sung, hg galrih. Srimza 1. ‘ If the LORD had not been with us,’ Israel now might say, ‘ If the LORD had not been with us,’ When men upon us rose, They would have swallowed us alive, In savage, furious rage! STANZA 2. The waters would have swept away The rivers whelmed our souls;

They would have gone above our lives, The torrents of the proud. Oh E bless the LORD who gave us not, To tearing by our foes! Like birds from trap he loosed our lives, The tangling snare he broke, and freed. The LORD released from them, Who made the Skies and Earth. PSALM 125. §\ ¥lilgrim’s Slang. STANZA 1. Who trusts the LORD, like Zion’s Mount, unmoved tor ever stands. As Hills surround ]erusalem, The LORD surrounds his Race, From now and to all time! Srimza 2. For not shall last the Wicked’s rule, Above the Good men‘s name; For fear the righteous should stretch out Their hands to practise crime. Srauza 3. Th LORD attends upon the Good, And to the right in heart; But to wanderers in their crooked ways, The LORD brings up their sins. CHORUS. Success to Israel. 7b6

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0766

The History of the People of Israel