‘LORD save my soul from lying lips, and from rebellious tongue} SrANzA z. REPLY. Mens biting darts, and burning fire of broom! P1LGR1M. Alas for mel I lodge iu Camp! I dwell in Tents of Gloom! My Soul, ’tis better dwelling there, than with the foes of peace. I wish for Pea.ce,———but when I speak they then prepare for War. PSALM 121. Q §i1gri¤n’z Sung. S1·ANzA 1. I lift mine eyes up to the Hills, but to me no help comes! My help comes from the LGRD, who made the Heaven and the Earth. S·rANzA z. L12Anmz. He will not let your footsteps slip ; He will not sleep on guard; He never slumbers, never sleeps, Who watches Ieree1’s way. The Loma will guard, the LoRD protect, will stand at your right hand; By day the Sun shall never strike, nor yet the Moon by night! The LORD will guard you from all ill, be watchful of your life; The LORD will watch you out and home, from now and to all time PSALM 122. 3 §ilgrim’¤ §mtg, about @ahii!. I rejoiced when they asked me, To go to the LoRD’s House. Our feet are set towards your Gates, O! jerusalem ! jerusalem is built like a City united together; There the Tribesmen go up, all the Tribes of the LIFEl To witness to Israel, to thank there the LORD. For there stand the Thrones of the judges, With Thrones in the Palace of David. Srauza 2. Piroxznus. ' Oh! pray for ]erusalem’s Peace, Let all prosper who love You ; Let Peace be a Power on Your Walls, And Prosperity be in Your Homes, 765