The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 768

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

Boox VII. Pszmus 129, 130, 131, 132. PSALMS. PSALM 129. 3 §i1g1·im’¤ Sung. STANzA 1. now may Israel say ; ‘ From my youth oft in danger but yet not destroyed. On my back plowers plowed, and my anguish prolonged. S1·ANzA 2. O RIGHTEOUS LORD out 0H` the bonds of the Bad. Defeat and hurl backward all those who hate Zion. Make like grass on the roofs, dried as soon as it grows; That Hlls no mower’s hand, or the reaper with sheaves. Give good thanks to the LORD; We, to ]12;uovAu‘s NAME will for you oHer thanks l' PSALM 130. § §liIgrim'¤ Bong. Summa 1. From the Depths I have cried to the LORD ; ALMIGHIYI attend to my voice; To my voice let Your hearing attend; Pity me! If You watch LORD, for sins; Who, A1.M1oH‘rv, could stand? But with You is forgiveness, And so You are loved. I hoped on the LORD,—my soul hoped And I trusted His word. My soul has awaited th' A1.mer1·rv, As dusk waits for dawn. Srawza 2. Let Israel trust on the LORD, For with the LORD there is mercy, And He can deliver His Race. And Israel He can deliver, From the whole of his sins! PSALM 131 2 ipilgriufs Snug, by Qnixih. LORD my heart is not high, And my looks are not proud, I walk not in grandeur And great deeds not my own. I have rested my soul Like a child on its mother?···· S0 with me was my mind. Cuokvs. Let Israel trust the LORD, From Now to Evermore. PSALM 132. $ Qpilgriufz §¤ug. SrANzA 1. Remember, LORD, David when in all his troubles, 2 Who vowed to the LIFE, to the MIGHTY of jacob 3 “ I will not enter my house, or go up to my bed, 768
Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0768

The History of the People of Israel