The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 769

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

Boox V II. Psnms 132, 13zA, 133, 134, 135. PSALMS. Or give sleep to mine cycs, or to my eyelids rest, Till I find the LORD’s place, And the home of the M1Gu‘rY.' STANZA 2. 1`was in Ephrath reported, was found in the Woodlands: Let us go to His Tents, let us bow to His footstool; ‘ Come up, LoRD, to Your House, with the Ark of Your Might, Your Priests rightly clothed, and Your Saints all rejoicing, Your slave David leads,-—from Your Auointed turn not! PSALM 132A. Hyun the (lluuhitiunz nf the Qrnmisz in Quinn. The LORD to David truly swore, and from it will not turn; ‘ Upon your Throne I will set one who from your body springs, If your sons guard My Treaty, and the Doctrines that I teach, Then their sons of sons succeeding, shall sit upon your Throne. For the LQRD has chosen Zion, to make His dwelling there, This is My Home for ever, where I will dwell, because I love. I will bless Her food with blessing, and till Her poor with bread ; Her Priests will clothe in safety, and her happy Saints shall cheer. There hx the horn of David, and set my Messiah’s light, I will clothe his foes in shame, but honour on him shine! ' PSALM 133. 3 Qpilgriinw %mi,g, hg @ai1ih. See how good and sweet it is, when brothers. rest as friends, ’T is like the sweet oil from his head, that flowed down to the beard And from the beard of Ahron ran down to his garment’s hem; Like Hermon's dew that falls upon the height of Zion’s Hill, For there the Loan His blessing gives, and life for Evermore. PSALM 134. § §iIgrim'¤ §mtg. THE INv1·rA:t1oN. ‘ Come bless the Loma, who serve the Loma, Who in the LoRD’s House stand at night. Lift up pure hands in innocence, and give thanks to the LORD} Tux Pxmsrw BLess1No. ‘ The LORD, who made the Heaven and Earth, May He bless you from Zion.’ PSALM 135. SrANzA r. Give praise to T HE LIFE; Praise the NAME of the LORD; .The LoRD’s servants give praise. Who stand in the House of the LORD, In the Courts of the House of our GOD. 10 II I2 16


her either by the Temple Editors, or

1 No*rz.—-Psalm :32;., v. xo. By the subject toiet , _ this r32nd Psalm, which now stands in the su sequent transcribers; I therefore have hdiii current copies of the Bible as one, seems to ventured to restore it to te proper vson me clearly two separate anthems, confused as 132A.-·—F. F. 769

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0769

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