The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 771

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

PSALMS. B001< VII. Psnms 136, 137. \Vh0 made the Skies with skill ; And His mercy endures l On the waters spread lzmd ; For His mercy endures! Who created great lights; For His mercy endures! The Sun guiding by Day; For His mercy endures! With the Moon and the Stars, T 0 guide during night, For His mercy endures! Who cut off tyra.nt‘s troops; For His mercy endures i And led Israel from them ; For His mercy endures! By strong hand and arm led; For His mercy endures! Cut the Weed-·sea tc Isles ; For His mercy endures!

And passed Israel through them, For His mercy endures! Pha1·0h’s host caught in sea weeds; For His mercy endures!

Marched His Race in the Waste; For His mercy endures! Who defeated great Kings; For His mercy endures! And slew haughty Kings ; For His mercy endures! Sihon, the Amorite King; For His mercy endures! And Og, Basharfs King; For His mercy endures! Gave us their land to possess; For His mercy endures! T0 His servant, Israel; For His mercy endures!

When depressed, thought of us; For His mercy endures! From 0ur tyrants released ; For His mercy endures ! He gives food to all flesh; *For His mercy endures! Cnosvs. Sing the GOD of the Heavens ; For His mercy endures! PSALM 137. S:rAi~zzA 1. By Babel’s Rivers we sat down, IG I I I2 16 18 20 2I 22 24 26 And wept remembering Zion. On the Willows there we hung our harps ;'-— For there of us our Captors asked, To sing songs in our grief! ‘ Come sing us blithe a Song of Zion !’ STANZA 2. The LORD’s Songs who can sing, Upon a foreign ground 2 77*

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The History of the People of Israel