The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 770

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

PSALMS. PsA1.Ms 135, 136. Book VII. IO II I2 16 18 20 21 STANZA 2. Give praise to THE LIFE; For good is the LORD, Chant to His Name for He comforts. For jacob He chose to Himself, Israel THE Liss chose for His treasure So I have learnt, How Great the LORD is, And more than all gods, the ALMXGHTY · All that the LORD wills, He does in Skies and Earth, In the Seas and all Deeps! Raises fogs from the bounds of the Earth, Brings Wind from His Stores to make showers. He cut off Mitzer’s iirst-born of Man and of Beast. Sent Terrors and Portents amongst the Mitzraim, To Pharoh and to all his men. Srimza 3. He defeated great Nations, and slew mighty Kings; Sihon King of the Amorites, Og King of Bashan. And the Chiefs of Canan, Gave the lands they possessed, To Israel for His People to hold. Census. Your Name, LORD, is for Ever, Your fame for Ages of Ages! The Lono leads His People, Gives His servants gifts I S·rANzA 4. The Heathen worships Silver, And Gold formed by men’s hands, With mouths that cannot speak, With eyes that C8.Ill‘lOt see, With ears that cannot hear, And noses without breath ; Who make are like themselves, With all who trust in them! Smuza 5. Israe1’s House, thank the LORD, Ahron’s House, thank the LORD. Levi‘s I-I0use,,thank the LORD: Fear the LORD, come bless the LORD. Thank the LORD from Zion ;— ]erusaiem’s People praise THE LWB. PSALM 136. Sing to the LORD who is good, Whose mercy endures! Sing to the GOD ofthe Gods; Whose mercy endures! Sing to the Prince ofthe Princes; `Whose mercy endures!

Who alone does great wonders; Whose mercy endures! 770

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0770

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