The Psalms - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 780

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

Bocx VII PSALMS. PsA1.Ms 148, 149, 150. IO II I2 And whirlwinds obeying His word; You Hills and all heights, Fruit trees and all Cedars,——·· Wild beasts, and all herds,-·-· Reptiles, and winged birds. Earth‘s Kings, and all Peoples,-· Earth's judges and Chiefs, And boys with young girls, And old men with youths, Praise the Name of the LORDl For only His Power is high, His Glory above Sky and Earth, And He lifts up the horn of His Race. Crrorws. Praise Him for all His Mercics, To Israel’s sons l The Race which He chose! Give praise to Tris Lira! PSALM 149. Srauza x.

Praise Tun Lum! Ol sing tothe LORD a new song ;-· Praise Him in the meeting of Saints! Let Israel rejoice in his Maker, Sons of Zion be glad in their King! Sranza 2. Praise His NAME in the Dance! With the drum, and the harp chant to Him; For the LORD has delight in His Race, The feeble adorns with success, In His honour the Holy rejoice, And cheer_as they lie on their beds; Exalting their Gon by their voice, With a double-edged sword in their hand,-• To execute justice on Nations, And in Peoples to make a reform, In fetters to fasten their Kings, And in iron-made chains; And to do on them sentence decreed! To His Saints this honour belongs. Give thanks to Tm: Lim. PSALM 150. Thank Tm: Lum! Praise Gon in His Home! Praise for His wide power; Praise Him for His might. Praise Him as THE GREAT. Praise Him with horn—blast, Praise with lute and with harp, Praise with drum and; with dance, Praise with timbrel and bells! Praise with sounding gouge, Praise with gongs that resound, Let all breathing give praise to Tm: LIFE ;·-·· Praise Tnn Lum. Tun END or Tas Booxs or Psatms. 780

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The History of the People of Israel