Boon VII. · ~ ·
Psnus 14yc, 14yu, 147n, 148. PSALMS.
PSALM :47c.
Qs: §nil;zm uf Ulyankx.
Respond to the Lord with the Lute,
Chant to our Gon on the Harp,
Who covers the Sky with the clouds,
To produce for the earth His sweet showers,
To make the grass grow on the Hills,
And give to the cattle their food,
And feed the young ravens who cry.
PSALM 147¤.
3:: ktibzm mt ily: £ui¤rz uf Qab.
Not itz the strength of a. horse He delights, 10
Nor is pleased with the legs of a man.
But the Loan joys in tlxosewho fear Him,
Those who on His mercy rely!
PSALM 147s.
Qu Qulbzm uf Gxlgnriniimz.
jerusalem, give to the Lon!) thanks
O Zion, give thanks to your Gcm;
Who strengthens the bars of your gates,
Who blesses your sons in your breast.
Who gives to your boundaries peace,
And feeds you with richest of wheat.
Who sends down His Message to earth,
His Order that quickly proceeds;
Who spreads out His blanket·—-like suow,—·-··
Like ashes He scatters hear frost!
He sends out His ice like a. sheet,
Ice, fixes the face of a lake I
He sends His command, and it melts;
Turns His wind, and the waters rush out!
To ]acob, He uttered His word;
So, Israel, hear His Decrees;-
To all Nations, He did not do thus;
His Decisions He taught not tb them.
Give thanks to THE LIFE.
PSALM 148.
Srimza r.
Give thanks to Tun Lim!
Give thanks to the LORD!
From the Heavens they thank Him on High!
All His Messengers thank,
All His Army thank Him l
The Sun and Moon thank,
The bright Stars all thank,
The Skies thank His Name,
And the Seas the Skies cover ;
They thank the Lom>'.s Nana,
For His Order created,
And placed them for ever ·
He gave the unchanging lsecreel
Srlmza z.
Thank the Loan from the Earth;
All serpents and reptiles;
Fire, hail, snow and mist;
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