Eh: 5;:22:}; nf Wisham.
How long will you foolish love folly?
And scorucrs delight in your scorn?
And you ignorant hate to be taught?
Come, turn and examine my proofs,
For I pour out my spirit for you,
To you I will teach my ideas!
‘ ’I`ho’ I cry, you will never attend;
Tho' I stretch out my hand none will grasp;
My councils you treat with neglect,
And you will not accept my reproofs,
So when you are in grief I will laugh
Will smile when your terror arrives,
When destruction comes on like a tempest,
And your sorrow sweeps on like a storm,
And your trouble and anguish have come!
‘ If you call me,—·I will not reply!
You will seek,—but then never shall find,
In return for your hating instruction,
And refusing to reverence the LQRD!
You did not desire! my advice,
And you flung away all my reproofs;
S0 eat of the fruit of your conduct,
Be satisfied with your own plans;
For the tricks of the cunning will kill them,
And deceptions of idiots destroy,
But my hearers in safety will dwell,
And rest without fear of distress E
Mummzni upon tbz 3hhr2¤¤ nf Wizhnm.
‘My son, ifaccepting my words,
If you store my command with yourself,
If your ears will lay hold of Wisdom,
And your heart will incline to reflect,
If, then, you will call to Perception,
And to Thoughtfulness lift up your voice,
If you seek her. as men do for silver.
And dig as for wealth from a mine,
You will then find the fear of the Loan
And discover the knowledge of GOD!
For the LORD is the giver of Wisdom,
From His mouth come Knowledge and Thought:
lvation He stores for the urih
Sapglt; And shields those who walkin t e truth;
Keeps guard on the path of the just,
And safe marks the way of His Saints!
‘ So examine the Right and the just,
And the Wise, and then all will go well,
Then Wisdom will enter your heart,
And Knowledge be sweet to your soul
Discretion will watch over you,
Reflection herself will attend,
Will preserve from the way of Distress,
From the persons who speak to pervert;
Who wander from Rectitude’s paths,
To walk in the ways that are dark,
Who delight in the practice of wrong,
And rejoice in perversion to vice;
Whose courses are all of them crooked,
Norm.-1 chan th . 1. f h . . » ` ` :$ge Hebrew verb to the 2 p pl to meet our lznglish
idiom in addressmgqn ad§e¥mg—§_’ t