And let your heart store My Commands ;—-— For long days and years to your life, And peace to yourself they will add. ‘ Abandon not Kindness and Truth, But twine as a wreath on your neck, And write on the page of your heart; Then you will find favour and fame, In the sight both of Gon and of men. And trust on the LORD in your heart, And rely not upon your own skill; Acknowledge Him in all your ways, And then He will make your paths smooth. And in your own eyes be not wise, Fear ]EuovA1~1 and turn off from wrong; For it will be health to your nerves, And come like a drink to your bones. ‘ Pay respect to the Loma from your wealth. 9 And the first fruits of all you produce, Then your barns will be tull of your crops, And your stores will be bursting with fruit. ‘ Son, despise not the Lokn who corrects, Nor hate Him because He reproves, For the Loan reproves those whom He loves, Like a father his own darling child! El): ltdlmltlr nf Wdishcm. How happygthe man who finds Wisdoml And the man who Reflection attains! For her cargo is better than silver, And her produce surpasses fine gold l For she is more precious than pearls, And no pleasures are equal to hers! In her Right, is extension of days, In her Left, she has honour and wealth: Her tracks are of pleasantness ways, All her paths are the pathways of peace! Who owns her,-+0wns a Tree giving Life; Who retains her,-—·possesses success! iliulu ®¤n §Fmmh2h tbz Wurlh. IO It I2 16 :8
‘The Loran founded by Wisdom the Earth zo By Intelligence fixed up the Skies, Z! And expanded the Space by His Knowledge, And makes the clouds drop down the showers. 783