Proverbs of Solomon - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 786

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

PROVERBS. 5-16 6_x9 16 18 20 2I

21 I0 II 16

:8 From your fountains that flow in your court, That run into pools with their streams. And reserved for your own use alone, Not for you, and for strangers as well. And let your spring always be blessed, And rejoice with the wives of your youth, With the lovely gazelles, graceful ever; At all times be entranced by their breasts, And dream at all times of their love. ‘ Why, my son, be entranced with the love, And embrace to a breast that is strange? For man’s ways are observed by the Loan, Who carefully weighs all his paths. His own vices capture the bad, And hold him enchained in his sins; By his want of reflection he dies, Qhhicz un §usiuz¤¤ [Affairs. My son, are you bond for a friend ? Or for strangers have signed with your hand ? Or are snared by the words of your mouth ? Or caught by the words of your lips? Try this way, my son, to get free, Since you are in the hand of your neighbour, Go humble yourself to your friend, And never give sleep to your eyes, Nor give to your eyelids a rest, Till you leap like a deer from his net, And a bird from the hand that had caught. GDI): Qurahlz uf the {Ani. ‘Go, Sluggard, look at the Ant, Consider her ways, and be wise l Who has no Leader, Guardian, or King, Yet lays up her bread in the summer, And heaps up in harvest her food! ‘ How long will you lie down, you sluggard ? When will you rise from your sleep ? ‘ A little more sleep, and a little more slumber, A little more folding the hand for a sleep,’ So your poverty comes like a robber, And your want like a rnan with a shield. ®n the Qbaracizrisiirxs of Nice. ‘ A loose fellow—a man of no worth,—- Goes about with a prolligate mouth; With winking of eyes, with a shuffling of feet, With his linger he mischief provokes: Always planning, and letting loose sin! But his punishment comes unexpected, With a sharp irreparable break. what ily: '£nrii yalm. ‘ There are six things the LORD Himself hates, And a seventh is abhorred by His soul ; Haughty eyes, and a tongue that deceives ; And hands shedding innocent blood; A heart that plans out vile deceptions; Feet ready to rush to do wrong; A breather of lies for defrauding; And the sender of strife among friends! 786
Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0786

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