Proverbs of Solomon - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 785

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers



5--15 ‘Never enter the path ofthe wicked ; N0radvance by the road of the bad. _Avozd it, and pass it not over, T urn away from ascending, and shun; For they sleep not unless they have wronged; And sleep leaves them unless they betray, For their bread, is the eating of Crime, And outrage the wine that they drink! But the path of the good, morning light, Advancing to shine to full day! While the road of the wicked is dark, And they know not the time of their fall ! ‘ My son! now attend to my words. And bend down your ears to my speech. And let it not slip from your eyes, And guard in the depth of your heart! They are life to whoever may find; And health to all parts of his frame. Guard ever your thoughts with all care, For from them come the issues of life. Expel from yourself a false mouth, And cast from yourself a loose life. Let your eyes to your object look straight, And your glance be direct before you. And ponder the path for your feet, And let all your courses be firm. Swerve not to the right or the left, But turn off your foot from the wrong. 3 wnrnixrg against Hire. ‘ My son! to my wisdom attend, And bend down your ear to my thoughts; Keep to reflection and knowledge, Which they will provide for your lips. I`hough a loose wanton's lips may drop honey, And her mouth may be smoother than oil, Her results are,more bitter than wormwood, More sharp than a double-edged sword l Her steps only lead down to Death, Her pathways conduct to the Grave. Lest you find out the pathway of life, Her paths are untraceably wound. ‘ But listen, my children, to me, And turn not away from my words ; From her let your steps turn away, And approach not the door of her house. Lest you give to Seducers your wealth, And to those without mercy your years. Lest strangers be fed by your strength, And your wealth in a foreigners home, And you groan at results to yourself, With your body and manhood destroyed, And exciaim, ‘ How I hated instruction, And rejected reproof from my heart ! Nor would learn from the voice of my teacher, Nor bend to instruction my ears! I have almost been always in sin l inthe midst of the crowd and the court.’ Qu Ezburlatimx in Qlbaziitig. ‘ Drink water drawn from your own well, And streams from the depth of your spring; (j > `° *79 c 16 x8 20 21 22 26 IO X I X2
Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0785

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