Proverbs of Solomon - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 797
The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers
SO LO M O N .BOOK TH E THIRD.jenna; nf §nilg Zifz.His brother hates the poor,But the rich has many friends.He sins who despises his neighbour,But who comforts the poor will prosper.D0 not the wicked work for wrong ?But the kind and true for good ?There is proit from every labour,But the talk of the lips brings want.Wealth is a crown to the Wise,But folly crowns the Perverse!A truthful witness rescues lives,But the liar breathes out danger.He safely hopes who fears the LORD,And his children will have a. refuge.The fear of the LORD is a well of- life,And turns from the snares of Death.An increasing race is a Monavchis honour,A decreasing nation, a Prince’s fall!Slow anger shows great prudence,But quick temper discloses folly.A contented heart strengthens the frame, 'But envy is a rot in the bonesWho wrongs the poor insults his Maker,But who honours Him pities the needy.The Wicked is depressed in suffering,But the Good has hope in his death.Wisdom rests in the heart of the prudent,But the secret of fools is published.Righteousness exalts a Nation, ,But sin will disgrace all Peoples.A skilful Minister delights a king,But his anger will come on the stupid.A gentle answer turns back wrath,But hard speech rouses fury.Knowledge adorns the tongue of the Wise,Butthe Fool’s.mouth pours out folly.The eyes of the LORD are on every place,Observing the bad and the good.7 97142:222628333515