Proverbs of Solomon - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 798

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

, PROVERBS. 15.- 15-28 xo 16 18 20 2: 26


A pleasant tongue is a tree of life, But a spitefnl mouth is a wrecking storm A Fool refuses his father's advice, But the sensible minds his reproof. Wealth grows in the house of the good, But the increase of the bad is sorrow. The lips of the Wise sow Knowledge, But the mind of the fool regards not. The Wicked’s offering disgusts the LORD, But the prayer of the upright delights him. The road of Sin disgusts the LORD, But He loves the path of Right; Who leaves that way will suffer grief, Who hates His reproof will die. The Grave and the Lost are before the Loan, With the hearts of the children of Adam. The Scorner loves not his reprover, So he does not do like the Wise. A merry heart will gladden the face, But a sad heart breaks the spirit. The intelligent mind seeks learning, But the mouth of fools eats folly. All the days of the coward are griefs, But the bold heart always feasts. Better a little with the fear of the LORD, Than wealth and an evil conscience. Better a dinner of herbs, with love, Than a fattened ox with hatred. A passionate man excites contention, But a forbearing settles strife. The road of the Idler is hedged with thorns, But the path of the Active is smooth. A wise son will delight his father, But a fool despises his mother. Folly delights the empty mind, But a sensible man goes straight. Plans with no basis are futile: They are only achieved by reflection. A man can please by the word of his mouth, For how sweet is an opportuue word ! The path of the Wise leads up to life, Who turn from it, slope to the grave. The Loan throws down the house of the cruel, But guards the bounds of the gentle. The thoughts of the bad disgust the LORD, But the words of the pure are sweet; The corrupt official aftlicts his house, But the hater of bribes will live. The Good will hesitate to speak, But the wicked will pour out villainy. 798
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