Book of Job - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 833

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

14-xo · 15-at 5 ]OB. ro But man dies, and he withers away! And a mortal expires, and is gone! r r Like the waters depart from a Badge, And a torrent when scorched up and dried. rz So man must recline and not rise, Nor wake till the skies are no more, Nor arouse from the depth of his sleep! who will help me to rest in the grave? To hide till Your anger is passed? ?— And fix me a time for recall For if the dead man is recalled, I would hope all the days of my war, Until my discharge would arrive. If You called me, then I would attend, You could order the creature You made. 16 But now you are counting my steps, And closely are watching my sins S Seal up my defects in a bag, And ,my passions sew up with a seam. x8 For a mountain falls down by degrees, And a rock can decay from its place, The stones are worn down by the brook, And the dust is swept off by a flood, But the hopes of mankind are destroyed; 20 You crush, and he goes off for ever ! His form fades, and You send him away! 21 He knows not, if his sons come to fame; If they suffer he cannot console;


His body grieves but for himself, And his mind for himself only mourns. UPI}: §2£UIIh §hhrz¤¤ nf tlléliplyag.


Then Eliphaz responded, and said : How can wisdom discuss with the wind? Fill his breast with a blast from the East? Contending with beggarly words, And speeches that never avail Shame on you! You break all respect! And degrade meditation with GOD! Your mouth is familiar with sin, And false reasons you choose for your tongue! Your own mouth shall convict you——not I ! And your own lips shall answer yourself ! Were you the first man that was born 2 Were you made before the high hills? Have you heard the Council of Goo ? And is science reserved to yourself? What do you know that we do not know? Understand ?-—and it is not with us? xo The grey—headed are ours, and the old, More revered than your father for days! U Are GOD°S warnings a trifle to you? Or with you has He spoken alone ? I2 Now what have you tken to heart? And at what are you rolling your eyes, That your fury you turn against GOD ? And you fling out the words from your mouth? How can a man hold himself pure ? And the son of a woman be just? Why ! HE cannot confide in His saints, 833
Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0833

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