Book of Job - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 834

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

15--16 jOB. 16-7 16 :8 20 21 22 26 28 33 34 35 And tix skies are not clean in His sight! Much less the corrupt and defnlcd, T he man who sucks folly like drink! I will teach you, so listen to me; For what I have seen I relate! What the wise have reported to us, And their fathers have never concealed, To whom only the land had been given, And no stranger had passed in their midst,- ‘ That the days of the wicked are torments, ' All the years of oppressors are fears, ‘ In peace terrors shout in their ears, Destruction is coming for you! ‘ He dare not turn out in the dark, For he fears an assault by the sword. He is startled at food at all times ;·-~ ‘ He knows the dark day is at hand ; Disturbance, and trouble, and anguish, ’ Assail like a king armed for iight; ‘ For he stretches his hand against GOD, And ventures against the Most High; ‘ He charges close up to his neck, ' To the hard bosses fixed in his shield. ' Though he covers his face with his helm, And strengthens his loins with Haps.

‘ Yet in ruinous towns he shall dwell, In houses where none will reside, Which are ready to fall into heaps; He never gains station or might, And his wealth does not last on the earth. * He can never escape from his sin; His boughs shall he shrivelled by flame, ° And he fades by the breath of its mouth ! So let no one trust vain deceit; For deception will be his reward, Be paid him, before it is due, And his branches will never be green. He will cast, like the vine, sour grapes, Like the olive will scatter his bloom; For the house of the wicked is barren, Fire burns up the tents of the vile! Who breed evil, and bring forth their sin, Contriving deception from birth. @132 Smxrily llzplg uf Zn}:. 16 job, however, answered, and said: Have I not heard plenty like that P What wretched consolers are you! Will the wind of your words have no end? Or does something incite to dispute? I, also, could speak like yourselves; If your souls were but now in my place; I, my speeches could tack upon you ; And wag my head just as you do. But I would support by my words, And console by the play of my lips! If I speak-·-my grief is not the less! And if silent; it goes not from mel But now I am wasted away, All my family you have destroyed, 834

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0834

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