25.. U
With darkness he enters the home
He had marked for himself in the day,
That he dare not approach in the light,
Fearing dawn, as the shadow of death,
For it seems to his terrors like doom.
Swiftly he glides down a brook!
His lot will be cursed on the earth;
T o his vineyard he never returns;
As drought and heat steal the snow-streams,
So will the grave those who sin.
Reft of love, and devoured by worms
The Villain is always forgot;
And the wicked will break like a stick,
For they injure the wretch without child,
To the widows they never do good !
Yet HEI strengthens the proud in his power,
Lifts him up when he thought not to live,
And gives to him conhdent strength,
’1`h0' His eyes can discover his ways.
They rise for their time; then depart;
And they curl up when perfectly ripe
And are cut like the ears ofthe corn!
And if n0t,——1et who will refute me
And fling to oblivion my speech?
Wl): Gbirh §bhrz¤¤ uf Qilbnb.
25 S0 Bildad the Shuhite replied, and said
Dominion and Terror are His,
Enforcing His nobles to peace!
And what man can number His troops?
And on whom does He not raise His light?
And what is man’s goodness to GOD ?
And who, born of a woman, is clean ?
The moon to His eyes does not shine
And the stars are not bright in His sight,
But man, the poor crawler, much less,
Adam’s son, who is only a worm!
The Raphaim, themselves, were destroyed.
And rest themselves under the seas.
The Grave's people are naked to Him,
And Destruction possesses no cloak!
He spread out the Northern expanse,
And suspended the earth upon space!
He binds up the streams in His clouds,
But the clouds are not ruptured by them.
He covers the view of His throne,
And over it spreads a black cloud ;
Puts a band on the face of the seas,
On the circuits of darkness and light.
He shakes the supports of the skies,
They tremble before His rebuke;
He raises the sea by His might,
And by His skill crushes- its pride!
The skies are made sweet by His wind,
1 No·r¤.—'l`hat is, Gon does so. In the Bildad’s speech, the first four verses being
Hebrew writings the Creator is often referred the beginning of j ob’s answer, misplaced by
to without namin§, but is understood by force an ancient transcriber from Ch. 27, v. 2
of the context.- . F.
This is the opinion of Mr. A. Elzas and other
No·r1=:.——Ch. 26, v. 5 to end, continues critics, and is undoubtedly correct.-—F. F.