And His hand whirls the Serpent! along!
Look ! Those are a part of His ways-
But of Him what a whisper we hear!
And His ghuudering voice who can stand ?
Ghz Gighil; {{:;:1;: of Qui:.
job, however, answered, and said
To the heipless——what help do you bring .
Have you strengthened the arm without force?
To the ignorant what do you teach
Or help by the lot that you know?
From whom have you stolen your speech,
And whose thoughts are sent out thro' you?
Goo lives, tho’ He turned from my plea.
ALMIGHTY, who hitters my soul I
So while ever breath lingers in me
And the spirit of Gob in my face,
No rubbish shall come from my lips
And my tongue shall not pour out deceit!
Curse me, if I justify you l
Till I die, I’11 not tum from my right,
To my righteousness I will cling fast,
Nor the thought of my life be reproached!
Let my enemy be like the bad,
My opponent become like the vile!
For what hope has the rogue, tho' enriched.
When GOD is demanding his soul?
Will GOD hold back if he shrieks
When upon him the anguish has come?
In th’ A1.M1Gru·Y he did not delight
Or call upon GOD at all times.
I could teach you the power of GOD
Nor conceal what is with the Most High;
But yourselves, all of you can see that;
Then why do you babble such stuff?
myc Ebirh Qhbrzss uf Zuplyur.
(Zophar the Namathite, however, answered, and said):
This is the lot of the wicked from GOD,
And the scoundrel’s fate from the Most High!
His children increase for the sword,
And his oifspringare not filled with bread
His descendants are buried by death,
And his widows will never lament!
If he heaps up the silver like dust
And piles up his clothing like clay,
He may pile, but the righteous will wear,
1Nom,-—·The constellation so named.
2 See note 2, p. 178.
8 Non:.-·Ch.z7, v. 1. The Bret verse of Ch.
And job continued to take up his speech
is not part of the original text
for it breaks the sense. It has been added
by some oid copyist as an endeavour to
lessen the gap made by the part of Bildad’s
linserted in ]ob’s, f
speech erroneousg rom verses 5 to 14 of C . 26. I therefore relegate
it to a note, and let the fiery Bow o%]ob’s
address run on without interruption.- . F.
Nora.-·Verse 13. The reply of Zophar
begins here, as the sense of the text up tothe
en of Ch. 27 shows, though by the error of
some old transcribers it is made to appear as
if uttered by job, although the import of it is
lloosed to his line of
totay ppargument, and to his sty e, and makes him stu tlfy his pre-
vious conteutiou——that we do not see the good
invariably rewarded and successful in this
world, nor the bad always punished; but
with terrible frequency the contrary. I shall
therefore restore the proger heading to this
speech, as suggested y r. A. Elzas in his
: Triibner and Co., London