rx (The SHEPHERDESS hearing him speaking, turns and replies in remonstrance.) SHEPI-IERDESS. I am for my lover, and he longs for me. I2 (SOLOMON answers ker in rapture ; trying to induce ker to forget her rustic lover, he ofers to become a peasant and her equal, and lodge in a village farm.) Sotoiviou. Come, darling, come to the meads z We can sit in the bowers, And lodge with the farmers! Can watch the Vines blossom, The flowers unfolding, Or the bright peaches flourish: And there I will give you my love l (The Snnrnnnnzss refuses and departs.) Aer 6. Scans 1 (The Snspnnizn and Snsrnnnnsss in their native village, are prattltng together Smzrnmm. in the delight of their meeting.) The Love-apples give out their scent, And over our doors are new flowers, And the old ones, my love, that I treasured for you! Tm; Snrcrnnxnnss replies to him lovinght Who will make you my brother, That sucked at my own mother’s breasts? When I met in the street I could kiss you, And they could cry shame if I did l I would lead you to my mother’s home, She would tell me to serve you with grapes, And to mingle the pomegranate’s spice l His left should be clasped round my head, And his right hand be folded in mine! (The Snnrnnso falls asleep, and the Snnrnnxozss then addresses the Cnoiws. Snspnmznsss. I ask you, jerusalenrfs girls,
Not to wake, or arouse up my love, Till it pleases himself! (A period of time is supposed to elapse. SCENE 2. (I n the Village. A cavalcade is seen advancing and the Chorus of Villagers ask each other in astonishment what it means.) Cnonu s. Who is she coming up from the Pasture, With her Guardian Companion? (The Chorus of Villagers dance as they watch the cavalcade approach the farm.) 868