If man gave the whole wealth of his house, To buy Love,—it would all be despised! Scmm 4. (The SHEPHERDESS'S two brothers seated outside the Orchard and discussing a future sale of their beauthul sister to ih some rcman sa y :) xsr BROTHER. We have a nice little sister! 2ND BROTHER. But she has no breasts! rsr BROTHER. What shall we do with our sister, At the time when her growth is complete? arm BROTHER. If she is as hard as a wall We will build on her turrets of silver; But if a swing-door, Will deck her with panels of cedar! Scans 5. (The SHEPHERDESS, who has overheard them, comes on the scene with her lover, the SHEPHERD, and contemptuously exclaims to the two mercenary clozwzs, pointing to her lover :) SHEPHERDESS. I am a Wall !—And have breasts! xo Like two strong towers I shall be in his eyes, Who secures my place! So1omon’s farm is Bal·hamon, II Givethat farm to its tenantsl Each brings a thousand in silver as rent. My farm is myself,—to be plain, I2 For you, Solomon,—there is the thousand; To the tenants two hundred for rents! (Sorozsron giving the Snernsaunss to her lover replies :) Sonomou. You are married, fair dweller in Gardens; Your companions can hear; I, Myself, have proclaimed it! G0 away with your love, and be like a Gazelle, _ Or the Fawn of the Deer, on the sweet-scented hillsl Tas END or rnn Sono or Souos. 869