Exodus - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 87

The Five Books of Moses



Your sight, and perceive that Your People are this Natiox1.’ Tum their 16 advance back, amd I will support you! If Your PRESENCE is not with our marches, do not take us from here. And by what can it be possibly known that I have found favour in Your sight, I and Your people? Would it not be by Your marching with us? and distin- guishing me and Your People from every nation upon the face of the Then the EvER·L1v1NG answered

I will grant also this request which you have made, for you have found favour in My eyes, and I have made MYSELF known to you by a Show me, I pray, Your Majesty} I have

passed all My beauty before your face; and I made MYSELF known to you openly by My Name of the EVER-LIVING. I show favour to those I love; and compassion to those I

He added, ‘ you are not able to see My face, for

21 no man can see Me and live, How· mount

22 up to Me and sit on the rock, and My Majesty shall pass over, and I will place you in a cleft of the rock, and shade you with My hand over you,

23 until I pass over, so that upon removing My hand you may see My back, for you cannot look upon My Glummmrh in make §Zriu ®nhI2iz fur the Qliummmthxnzuts. 34 The Evan-Liviuo afterwards said Cut for yourself two tablets of stone, like the former ones, and I will write upon them the Com- mandments which were upon the first that you broke; and when dawn comes, go up at dawn to the Mount Sinai, and sit with Me upon the top of the hill. But no man shall come up with you; for no man must be seen in all the hill, nor sheep, or beast approach to the hill.’ Moses accordingly cut two tablets

of stone like the former, and arose at morning, and ascended Mount Sinai, as the EvBR—L1v1NG commanded him, and took in his hands the two tablets of stone. Then the EVER-LIVING de- scended in the cloud and sat there


with him; and he called on the Name of jsnovrm, when the Evan~r.1vmo· 6 passed over before his face, and he EvEiz—L1vmc;l Livmo Goo of Gawrtmvuss and Prrv, Stow to Anoua, but GREAT in MERGY and TRUTH; preserving mercy to thousands; taking away passion, and rebellion ; and forgiving sin ;—-—but not ceasing to visit the passions of the fathers upon their children, and upon the children of their children to the third and the fourth generation l ' Then Moses hastily rose and fell to

the earth and worshipped, and said: ‘ If now I have found favour in Your sight, ALMIGHTY, come, I pray, ALMIGHTY, near to us, for they are a stid-necked People, and pardon our passions and sins, and give us our inheritance} Now I make a

covenant with all your People. I will produce wonders such as have not been from creation in all the earth, or in any nation; and every people among whom you are, shall see the work of the EvaR·r.1v11vG, for what I will do by you will be splendid. Attend to what I have communicated to you to—day;-—-·'I`hen I will drive before you the Amorites,the Cananites, the Hitites, the Perizites, the Hivites, and jebusites. ‘Keep yourselves from making

treaties with the residents of the land when you come to it, for fear they should be a snarein your midst. Therefore overthrow their altars ; and break down their pillars; and cut down their shrines, for you shall not worship another god, for the EvER· Lrvmo is jealous of Hts NAME; I-Ie is a jealous Gov. Beware of making alliances with

the inhabitants of the land, for fear you whore after their gods, and sacrifice to their gods, and approach to eat at their altars; or take from their daughters for your sons, for their daughters will whore after their gods; and your sons whore after their gods. Nor shall you make a metallic god for yourselves. Repetition: of §¤rinl Zulu. 'You shall keep the feast of un-

leavened bread for seven days : You shall eat biscuits as I have com- manded you, at the assembly in the :3- IO II I2 I6 18

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0087

The History of the People of Israel