and every male of your possessions, of cattle or sheep bursting it; but on ass bursting it, you shall redeem with a sheep; and if you do not redeem it you shall break its neck. ‘Al1 your eldest sons you shall
redeem, for you shall not see My presence empty-handed,. ‘ You shall labour six days, but on
the seventh you shall cease from ploughing, and rest in harvest. You shall also make a festival of rest for yourselves at the first fruits of the wheat harvest; and a festival at the completion of the solar circuit of the year. I`hree times in a year all your
men shall appear before the Presenée of the Loma,. the EvEn~;,1v1N<; Gov of Israel, for I will drive out the heathen before you, and will extend your boundaries, therefore no man of your land shall neglect to go up three times in a year to see the Pre- sence of your Evan-Lxvmo Goo. You shall not shed the blood of My sacrifices away from it; and you shall not leave until the morning the sacrifice of the Passover. You shall also decorate the house of your EVER- Lrvmc; Gon with the first fruits of your fields when you jcome u ‘ You shall not boil a kid in its Finally the Evan-Livmo said to
Write` these commands, for upon the basis of these Commands I have made acoveuani with you, and with Israel. myc Wixnzrgituises sleuth mr Sinai. 28 .And- he was there with the Evxm- uvmo forty days and forty nights, and ate no bread, nor drank water, but wrote upon the tablets the. com- mands of the Covenant; The Tau Commauumswrs. Gl): §plrnhour uf the San of muses. 2g Then Moses descended from Mount Sinai with the Tables of the 'I`esti· mony in the hands of Moses. ‘ On his descent, however, from the hill, Moses did -not know that blinding ¤ Abib. 35-—·8
rays oft lightl from his face, pre· vented their speaking to him l But Aaron, and all the children of
Israel saw those rays of light from his faoe,.and they were afraid to ap·· proachhim. Moses, however, called to them,
when Aaron turned to him, with all the leaders of the Assembly, and Moses addressed them; and after that all the children of Israel ap- proached-, and _he»-communicated all that the Evan-Lxvmo had com·· mended him in Mount Sinai. But that Moses might speak to themhe vit a veil over his f , gliace. But when oses went to speak with the EVER-r.1v1NG.he removed the veil from his face, until he returned, and came and related to them what he. had been commanded. So the children of Israel fearedin the pre· sence of Moses, for rays of splendour preceded Moses, therefore Moses placed the veil over his face when he went to speak with them. £¤szs ahhrzsszs the Qsrliumzat Israel. Then Moses assembled all the
parliament of the children of Israel, and saidto them.; Ihese are the Commandments
which the Evzmmvino has com- manded you to practise: ‘You shall do your work for six
days', but the Seventh Day shall be a Holy Rest for you. You shall rest to the Evan-Llvmo. Every one doing business on it shall die. No man shall labour in all your habita- ticns upon the Day of Rest. 33 34 35 uf
brought an offering] from themselves to the EvER·L1v1NG of gold, silver, and brass; and azure and purple, and blue, red, and spun linen; and ram skinskdyed red, and badger skins, and acacia wood: and oil for ··-F. F. 88