Exodus - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 89

The Five Books of Moses

EXODUS. enclosures of the tcut, and its veils; purtcnmiccs; and the Showbread: and dictated to them, they brought as an bars, the standards and the bases; thc ark and the staves for it; the covers, and the covering veil; the tz1bIe,zmd its stoves, and all its np~ the reflectors for the lamps, and the appurtenances for them; and the burners, and the oil for the lights; and the incense altar, and its stares; and the Oil of Consecration, and the perfumes for the ziromatics ; and the veil for the door, at the opening of the sanctuary. The altar of burnt offering, and its base of brass; the staves and the whole of the instru- ments; the bath and itsbases. The curtains for the court and its stan- dards, and their bases, and the sltreen for the gate of the court; The stakes for the sanctuary, and the stakes for the court, and the rest. T he robes for the service, when

serving in the Holy-place; the sacred robes for Aaron the priest, and the robes for his sons, the priests. Then the whole of the chiefs of the

children of Israel came before Moses, and brought whatever their heart suggested, and all that their spirit skins, and badger skins brought them. Many nobles brought gifts of silver were skilful in spinning, invited by their hearts, gave goat-hair yarn. and brass, as presents to the EVER- LIVING, or of anything they pos- sessed. Some brought acacia wood for the works. And the skilful women brought yarn in their hands, azure yarn, and purple, and blue- red, and linen. All the men also who


35—~9 the lamps, and perfumes for the Oil of Consecration, and incense for the 10 II I2 16 20 2I 22 2 5 veils, and onyx stones, and stones for the settings of the ephod, and breastplate. Whilst those of skill among them came and made all that the I·Zvnn~1.n·1:~ao commanded. The the hooks, and the planks, the cross· offering to the EvE1<—L1v1NG, to sup- ply the Hall of Assembly, and its appurtenances, and for the sacred robes. Thus the chiefs coming to Moses,-—all who were of liberal heart, brought ear and nose rings, and

brooches, and beads and all things made of gold, and everything which was adorned with gold to the EVER· LIVXNG. Every man, also, who pos- sessed azure, and purple, and blue- red, and spun linen, and red goat Other men brought precious stones 27 to set the ephod and the breastplate; and perfumes, and oil for the lights, 28 and for the Consecration Oil, and perfumes for the incense. Every 29 man and woman with a liberal heart brought all the things that the EVER- LIVING commanded, by the hand of Moses, to be made as gifts to the Evan-mvmo. §pp¤i¤tznrnt uf $r:l;iizcis mth Rzclinttits fm: il): §nnctu¤rg. Then Moses said to the children of Israel, I`he Evan-Lrvmo has called

Bezalal, the son of Auri, the son of Hor of the tribe of judali, and has tilled him with genius, skill, intelli- gence and knowledge, and a mecha- nical mind, and inventive faculties for working in gold, and silver, and brass; and to cut stones for jewellery; and to shape timber for use, and for all engineering work,. Ile has also given as a iitting assistant to him, Ahaliab the son of Ahhismak, of the tribe of Dan, filling them with in- telligence to work in every kind of contrivance, in jewellery, and em- broidery, in azure, and purple; in blue, and red, and flax; and to weave all materials, and to make patterns} 33 35

Bezalal and Ahaliab consequently 36 worked, with all the skilful men to whom the EVER-LIVING had given intelligence and understanding, to assist them in their operations, for the production of all the furniture for the sanctuary, which the EVER- LIVING had commanded. Thus 2 Moses appointed Bezalaland Ahaliab, and all the skilful men to whom the EvER—LIVING had given an intelli- gent mind, with everyone whose mind invited them to go to the work to effect it ; and they received in the 3 presence of Moses all the offerings that the children of Israel had brought to make the appliances for the ser- vices of the sanctuary. They fetched their part from the treasury morning by morning, and every skilled worker brought back the articles for the sanctuary which he had made from his workshop; until they reported to The material which the people have brought is more than the requirements for the furniture that the EvER·1.1v1NG commanded to be made from it! Moses, therefore, ordered to make OA

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0089

The History of the People of Israel