Book of Esther - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 894

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

ESTI-I ER. 6-12 5--7 IO [I 12 Esther while drinking his wine, ‘Whatever you ask shall be given to you; even if you ask half of my Empire,-—-it shall be done! If I

have found favour in the sight of the King;-—and if it pleases the King to grant my request, and to do what I ask,-let the King and Haman come to a dinner that I will make for them, and to—morrow I will make ¤ request to the King. ‘§aman @zi2rmin2s in -§a¤g Nnrhzzai. Haman consequently went out that

day glad and delighted at heart. But when Hamzm saw Mordecai at the Gate of the King, and that he did not rise or tremble before him, Haman was filled with fury against Mordecai. However, Haman restrained himself, and went to his home, where hesent and collected his friends and his wife Zeresh, and Haman related to them his great wealth, and his numerous children, and how the King had advanced him, and how he had raised him above all the Princes and And,’ Esther the Queen also did not admit with the King any one-to the Dinner that she made, exceptmyself -1 And also to-morrow I am invited by her, together with the King!—·-But all this is nothing to me, so long as I see Mordecai the jew sit in the Court of the King`! So Zeresh and all his friends said

Let them make a Gallows fifty cubits high, and in the morning speak to the King, and he will hang Mordecai upon it. Then go to the dinner with the King, happy and glad hearted? '1`hisadvice was good in the opinion of Haman. Ellljztsljrnslj zumwt Sleep. On that night sleep wandered rom

the King, so lie ordered the records of the current events of his days to he brought, and they were read before the King; and the record of the information given by Mordecai about Bigthan and Tharash the Royal Chamberlains who guarded the thres- hold, who conspired to lay hands on King I<hushrush,was lit upon. When What has been done in value and advancement to Mordecai And the young men who attended

on the King replied, “Nothing has been done for him. Who is in the Court? ]ust then Haman had come to the

Outer Court of the Royal Palace to ask the King to hang Mordecai on the gallows he had prepared for him; so the pages of the King said to him, We see Haman standing in the

Let him enter! @1):. Mart the ging hzliglils in §mw11r. Hannan consequently entered, and

What should be done to the man whom the King delights to honour? ’ But Haman said to his heart,

‘ Whom would the King delight to Therefore Haman replied to the King, For the man whom the King may

delight to honour, let them bring Royal Robes, such as the King him- self has worn, and a horse that the King has ridden upon, and which has the Royal Plume on its head; and let them give the robes and the horse into the hand of a man among the most distinguished of the King's Nobles, and let them be put upon the man whom the King delights to honour with distinction, and let him ride on the horse through the streets of the City, and proclaim before him; ‘ It is done thus to the man whom the King delights to honour! §um¤tt Grhzrzh tn Quuuur murhccni. The King then said to Haman,

‘ Make hastei Take the robes and the horse, as you have said, and do so to,—MonnncAr the jaw, who sits in the Royal Gate! Do not omit anything from all that you have suggested. Haman therefore took the robes

and the horse and clothed Mordecai, and he rode through the Squares of the City, and it was proclaimed before him, IT IS DONE THUS TO THE


Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0894

The History of the People of Israel