Royal Court, but Hamau went to his home depressed and with an aching head. And Harnan related to Zeresh his wife, and to all his friends, all that had happened, when his advisers and his wife said to him; ‘ If this Mordecai is of the jewish
race, before whom you have begun to fall, you cannot resist him,-——but will fall before him. ®¤ii1z1:’s Szcmth Qiimzr. While they were talking with him
the King’s Chamberlains approached and commanded Haman to come to the dinner that Esther had prepared. So the King and Haman went to dine with Queen Esther. §ammt begs his 3ifz nf Qzibzr mth is Refund. Then the King said to Esther, on
the second day, while drinking his What do you ask, Queen Esther, and it shall be given to you? Even if you ask for half of my Empire——it shall be done! ’ And Queen Esther answered and
If I have found favour in your eyes, King ;—and if it is. the pleasure of the King—Give me my life, at my request, and my People’s on my Petition! For we are sold,—-I and my People,-— to Destruction, to Murder, and to Exterminationi And if we had only been sold for bond- men and women, I would have been silent; but there is no amiction comparable to the King's loss! But King Khushrush answered, and
asked of Queen Esther, “ Who is he,······and what is he,——wh0 has planned in his heart to do this?’ A cruel and
hateful man ;-—'l`hat wicked Haman l' Then Haman was terriiied at the
faces of the King and Queen. And the King rushed in his fury from the wine table to the Palace Garden; but Haman stayed to beg for his life from Esther the Queen; for he saw that complete ruin from the King was before him. When the King returned from the
Palace Garden to the Wine·room, Haman was fallen on the sofa that Esther was upon, so the King ex- Wil1 he also ravish the Queen before me in the Palace ? So the word went out of the King's 8——»-8
mouth, and they covered Haman's face, and Harbonah, one of the Royal ` There is ready the gallows of Bfty cubits high that Haman made for Mordecai, who spoke good news to the King. It stands near the Palace of Hamanl If the King commands he can be hung upon it! So they hung Haman on the
Gallows which he had prepared for Mordecai! Then the fury of the King was appeased. I0 §aman’s §¤u¤z gihzn in Gather. On the same day King Khushrush 8 gave to Queen Esther the house of Haman, the ]ew-hater, and Mordecai was brought before the King, for Esther had informed him what he was to her, and the King took od 2 his ring,—that which he had re- covered from Haman,—-—and gave it to Mordecaif And Esther set Mor- decai over the house of Haman. ®¤tbzx begs tbz life at ber ¥wplz. Then Esther again spoke to the 3 King, and fell at his feet, and wept, and besought him to redress the wickedness of Haman, the Agagite, and the conspiracy he had contrived against the ]ews. And the King extended the Golden Sceptre. So Esther arose and stood before the If it is good to the King, and if VI have found favour before him, and it is acceptable before the King, and I am pleasing in his eyes,—let it be written to re- verse the letters that Haman·ben— Hammadatha the Agagite contrived, when he wrote to exterminate the jews, who are in all the Provinces of the King. For how can I bear to see the misery that will find my People? And how can I endure to look on the destruction of my relatives? ' King Khushrush, however, replied
to Esther the Queen, and to Mordecai You see I have given the Palace of Haman to Esther, and they have Q hung him upon the Gallows, because he stretched out his hand against the jews.-——-But you must write to the jews, as seems best in your opinion, in the name of the King, and you can seal with the Royal Seal,—-—for a letter that has been written in the Royal Name, and sealed with the 895