King may you live for ever! Tell the dream to your Slaves, and we will explain it clearly! He responded to the Astronomers,
The purport has gone from me !——But look! If you do not inform me what the dream was, and explain it, you shall be cut in pieces, you slaves, and your houses be made a dung—hi11!·-—~But if you show the dream and explain. it, you shall be given gifts and great honours!——Relate, therefore, what I saw first, and show me the dream, and explain it I They again answered, and said, Let the King tell to his slaves the
dream, and we will explain its meaning ! ’ I
know assuredly that you are putting off, because you discover that the matter has gone from me.-·’I`here— fore, if you do not inform me what the dream was,——you have one fate; for you utter lies, and rotten con—
trivances, to talk before me till my mood changes ;——Look sharp! Tell me the dream !——-when I shall know that you can explain its meaning! ’ The astronomers replied to the
There is never a 2-22 man on earth who is able to accom- plish the Kings demand! Because no Great King or Ruler ever asks such a thing, of any engineer, en- chanter, or astronomer! And the statement the King demands is tremendous! And besides there is no one who could accomplish it to the King, except the Gods, whose dwelling is not in Hesh! Because of this the King was angry.
and excessively furious, and ordered the destruction of all the Scientists in Babel! and a Decree was pub- lished to kill all the Scientists, and they searched after Daniel and his associates to kill them. Daniel, however, met Ariok, the
Captain of the Guards, who had been sent by the King to kill the Scientists of Babel. He addressed and asked Ariok, the Superintendent of the On what account is the Decree of the King so sudden And Ariok informed Daniel of the
adair. Then Daniel rose, and went to the King, and begged to be given a dxed time when he would explain it to the King. Daniel then returned to his house
and communicated with Hananiah, Mishal, and Azariah his companions, about the matter, and entreated them to request the GOD of HEAVEN not to hide this thing, so that Daniel and his friends might not be destroyed with the rest of the Scientists of Babel. After that the secret was revealed to Daniel in a vision at night, and Daniel thanked the GOD of Hnavmt. Daniel addressed Him and said ; @uitiz1'¤ Qiiilgzm at Wlyanlas. ‘ Should not the Name of Gon be blessed, For ever and ever? For wisdom and power are His; And He changes the times, And appoints opportunities;
He raises kings and depresses kings; He to the wise gives wisdom, And He gives knowledge and skill. He reveals the deep and the hidden; He knows what is obscure, And light resides with Him. Z1 I2 I3 16 18 20 21 22
]{U (shethirn)—;tiyo, twelttn. twelfth year. cannot, therefore, doubt but that the word ·-—-F. F. l1as been omitted after 1 Astronomers. Ron