the meaning shall be told to the King. You, King, are a King of Kings!
to whom the Gon of Hnavnu has given this Empire, its power, its
m ave ouna man rom , am0ng the Captive jews who can tell the King the meaning.’ The King then addressed,andasked
Daniel,——whowas named Beltishazar; t Am YOU able to tell mc the Dream thi;}§a;’v•an§l%XY;1a11t? ?hK. d dfi Li; ;;gag
SaidT? gcm? tht1K;g demhnds no Scientist, Enchanter, or Engineer is able to decide and show to the King !—However, there is a GOD in Heaven who reveals the hidden, and H8 has made known to King Nebukadnezzar what will be in future times. £2h1xk¤h1r2g5nr'z Qrznur. ‘ Your Dreams, and the visions of · ever the sons Of men r€s1dG’ the hand and you rule an of them ' You iw the Head of Gold! ‘ But after you another Kingdom
will arise inferior to yours! and anothertbird kingdom of brass, _winch will “l1°-‘?”°'·““ the Country · · · will break all in pieces, and crush. your head upon your bed were these. From you, King, your thoughts ascended on your bed, as to what would be after now, and the Revealer of the Hidden made known to you, what will bel But not for any Science that I possess, more than any living, has this secret been revealed to me, but, with the object for me to make it known to the King, and th-at you might know the thoughts of your mind. ‘ You, Kin g,were looking, and sawa
Great Image; This Image which was great, and its splendour dazzling, stood before you, and its aspect was terrible. The head ofthe Image was of line gold; its breast and arms of silver; its belly and thighs of brass; its legs of iron; its feet part of iron and part of clay! You looked at it until a stone was cut without hands and thrown against the iron and clay feet of the Image, and broke them to pieces. Then at once, the Iron, Clay, Brass, and Gold were broken, and became like chaff from thrashing beasts of the field, and the birds of the skies, he has given into your Then a fourth kingdom that will be as strong as Iron. Because as Iron breaks and crushes all, so like iron it And as you sawits feet and toes were formed part of clay, and part of iron; that Kingdom will be a divided one; yet the firmness of iron will be in it, because you saw the iron mixed with tempered clay. S0 as the toes were part of iron, and part of clay, part of that Empire will be strong, and part brittle; and as you observed the iron was mixed with the tempered clay, they will mix themselves with the races of mankind ;——·but will not stick together with each other, as iron does not unite with clay. But in the days of those kings, the Gon of HEAVEN will establish an Evnnnasriuo EM1>11zE, and Indestructible,———whose Sover- eignty will not be transferred to another People. It will subdue and break all the Kingdoms, and will stand for ever! And as you saw a stone cut 37 39 43 44 from a rock, -·—but not by hands, which broke the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold ;—the GREAT GOD has revealed to the King what will come after now,—-—and the Dream is certain, and my Interpreta- tion true l ’ Qlzhukuhnzggark féziunisljutzni mth Wzrrur. Then King Nebukadnezzar fell on 46 his face and did reverence to Daniel, 900