Book of Daniel - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 904

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

DANIEL. 5-12 4....3; upon him, until his hair grew like eagles and his claws like birds. But at the and of the period I, Nebukad· nezzar, raised my eyes towards the heavens, and my understanding returned to me, and I blessed the HIGHEST, and praised and honoured Him Lxvmc Fox EVER;-·for His Government rules for ever,—·-·and His Dominion for ages of ages. For all the dwellers on earth may be con- sidered as nothing ;~—bu(t HB rules as with His army in the Host of the Heavens, and over theinhabitants of the earth, and there is none who can restrain His hand, and say to Him ‘ What are You doing? ' ‘At the same time my intellect 33 returned to me, and the splendour of my Empire, my honour, and glory came back to me; and my Advisers and Nobles came and fixed me in the empire, and they granted power to me. ‘ Consequently, I, Nebukadnezzar,

praise and exalt, and honour the KING or HEAVEN; for all His acts are right, and ways just ;—and He is able to depress those who walk in THE BOOK OF DANIEL BOOK THE SECOND. THE FALL 0F BABYLON. (538 B.¤.) amy: $ri¤z, mizkzhnzss, mth Iall nt B21-Sbuggur. 5 The King Bel-Shazzar made a great supper for a thousand of his Nobles, and drank wine with the thousand Lords. Bel-Shazzar while excited by wine, commanded tobring the cups of gold and silver which Nebukad-· nezzar his ancestor had brought from the Temple at jerusalem, that the King, his Nobles, his wives, and con- cubines might drink from them. So ihey brought the cups of gold which had been carriedifrom the Temple of the House of GOD, at jerusalem, and the King and his Nobles, with his wives and concubines drank from them. They drank wine, and praised the Gods of gold, and silver, brass, iron-, wood and stone. W32 ®riii:tg mt the Wall. In the same hour the fingers of a

man’s hand appeared, and wrote opposite the lamp on the wall of the Palace of the King,-—and the King watched the portion of a hand as it wrote. Then the brightness of the King changed,. and his thoughts troubled him, and the joints of his loins were relaxed, and his knees struck one against the other. The King therefore cried loudly to bring the Mathematicians, Astronomers, and Lawyers, whom the King ad- dressed, and said to the Scientists of Babel ;—— ‘Whatever man can read that

writing, and explain its meaning, shall be clothed in purple, and have a chain of gold put on his neck, and shall be one of the three Governors of the Empire l' Then all the King’s Scientists

entered, but they were not able to read the writing, or to explain the meaning of it to the King. King Be1·· Shazzar was consequently greatly troubled and the brightness of his expression was changed, and his Advisers were perplexed. Because of the consternation ofthe

King and his Counsellors, the Queen Dowager came into the banqueting house, and addressed the King and said, ‘May you live for ever, King !——

Let not your thoughts trouble you,or your expression change.·-There is a man in your Empire in whom is the spirit of the HOLY GODS ; and in the times of your ancestors, light and intelligence and science, like the science of the Gods, was found in him, and King Nebukadnezzar your ancestor appointed him chief of the Engineers, Enchanters, Astronomers, and Mathematicians, because a spirit of light, and knowledge, and under- 904 I0 II I2

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0904

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