Book of Daniel - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 905

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

DANIEL._ and his mind 0varbcaxrix1g1y insolent, Empire, and they took his glory from kind, and lived with the beasts, and dwelt among the wild asses, eating he was driven from the throne of his


5——x3 standing in the explanation of Dreams, the solution of problems, and loosening of diHicu1ties was found in him,—~·in Daniel,-—·by the king, who appointed him as Prince of Be1.~—~—So let Daniel be called, and he will explain the problem! @21-Sliaggafs (BEM in Qanicl if be rzahs Eb: Umriiixxg mx il;2 Tllllnll. 16 Daniel was therefore brought before

the King; when the King addressed him and said to Daniel, ‘ Are you the Daniel of the sons of

the Captives who were brought by my Ancestor from ]udea? For I have heard that the spirit of the Gods is in you, and light, and intelligence, and that supreme science is found in you. Now the Scientists, and Enchanters, have been brought to me to read that Inscription and explain its meaning, but they are not able to explain the meaning of the phenomenon. But I have heard about you, that you could explain it clearly, and solve its difii— culties. Therefore if you are able to read the writing, and explain its meaning, you shall be clothed in purple, and a chain of gold be put on your neck, and be of the three who govern the Empire l ‘ Qanizl Qizfuzzs the Ilzlvarh, but retina the Qriiing. 17 Daniel, however, answered and said to the king ; ‘ Keep your gifts to yourself! And

your plunder for others l-·However 18 20 2L I will read the Inscription for the King; and explain its meaning.-·As regards yourself, King, the HIGHEST GOD gave your ancestor Nebukad- nezzar this Empire, and Greatness, and Power; and Majesty ;—-And at the Grandeur given to him, all the Peoples, Nations, and Languages were trembling and fearing before him.-—-Whoever he decided, was murdered; and whoever he decided should live, they did live; and he promoted whoever he chose, and threw down whoever he determined. But when his heart became exalted, him, and he was driven from man- grass like oxen, and was wet with the dropping rain of the skies, until that he learnt that the HIGHEST GOD rules over the Kingdoms of Men, and places whoever He decides over them.-·Yet you, Bel—Shazzar, his descendant, although you knew all this, have not humbled your heart, but have exalted yourself against the Loan of the Heavens and have brought the cups of His House out to yourself,-and you, your Nobles, your wives, and concubines, have drank wine from them, and honoured the Gods of silver and gold; brass, iron, wood, and stone,—who neither see, nor hear nor know ;——but you have not thanked the Gon in Whose hand your breath is, and Who knows all your ways ;·-from Whom, also, was sent the part of a hand that aihxed this inscription. And this is the Inscription that is amxed : 22 ‘MENA, MENA, THEKEL; OH! F ARSINI 'I ‘This is the explanation of the Mandate. ‘MENA. Decided —— (GOD has

decided about your kingdom, and destroyed it). ‘THExnL. Weighed-(You have

been weighed in the scales and found insufficient). ‘O! Fans! (Your empire is Per—

sianized, and given to the Medes and i Bel-Shazzar commanded, and they

clothed Daniel in scarlet, and put a chain of gold upon his neck, and proclaimed him as one of the three Rulers of the Empire! Bel~Shazzar King of the Kasdim

was slain on that night, and Darinsh the Mede seized the Empire, being then sixty-two years of age. 26 28

(538 B-G-) 3 iH¤h¤·§p2r¤iatt lizpuhlii: Qistnhlialyzn in place uf the @2apniimtt nf @nlr2l. It was decided for Dariush to be 2 President: But there were appointed a hundred and twenty—seven Viceroys over the Empire, who were to join in I Niorn.———Ch. 5, v. 29. The exact meaning

Decided! Decided! Weighed;-—Ahoyl -—·F. F. 2 Nor1z.—Ch. 6, v. 1, of A. V. is v. 3x of ch 5, in the original Chaldee.—F. F. 905

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0905

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