Book of Daniel - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 907

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

6-22 DANIEL. 22 When Daniel replied and said, ‘Yes, King, yes! May you live for

23 ever, King! GOD»sent His Messenger and closed the months of the lions, who could not devour me! Because I wasinnocent before Him. And also against you, King, I have done no Qanizl ilzlzaszh frnm the Qzn. 24 The King consequently was exceed- ingly glad about it, and commanded to release Daniel from the Den. So they released Daniel from the Den, and no injury was found upon him, for he had trusted in GOD. W32 Qimzzpiraiurs 31ung in ily: Eimxz. 25 Then the King commanded and they brought those men who had accused Daniel, and Hung them into the Den of Lions, they, their children, and wives; andthey had not arrived 7 --8 at the floor of the Den before the lions seized them, and broke all their bones. Emrlzzrzimt nf § mins}; i ann the warship nf Gun Qrhuimh. Dariush the King afterwards wrote ;— To All Nations, Peoples, and

Languages, who dwell on all the Earth,——much Peace to you :—-—From Myself I issue a Decree, that in all the Governments of my Empire they must tremble and do reverence before the Gon of DANIEL; for He is a Lxvmc; Gon, and exists, and His Dominion cannot be destroyed; and His Government is to eternity! He delivers and rescues; and produces signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth ;—-for he delivered Daniel from the power of the Lions; Thus Daniel prospered in the em-

pire of Dariush, and the empire of Kuresh the Persian. END OF THE HISTORY OF DANIEL. THE BOOK OF DANIEL. BOOK THE THIRD. THE PROPHECIES OF DANIEL. (555 B13-) W12 3nnr ‘§2¤sis. 7 In the first year of Bel-Shazzar, King of Babel, Daniel dreamed a dream, and avision of his head upon his bed. He therefore. wrote the dream of his

2 head, and related the matter. Daniel spoke and said : ®bz Ilisiuxz uf il): Sour Qzasis. ‘I saw a vision, in the visions of

the night, and noted the four winds of the sky rush out upon the Great Seal And four Great Beasts arose from the sea, different from one another. The First, like a Lion, with wings like an Eagle; I continued watching until it folded its wings and alighted upon the land, and stood on its feet like a man, and ahuman heart was given to it. ‘Then I saw another beast,-—the

Second——~like a Bear, and it estab- lished a Dominion. It had three tusks in its mouth amongst its teeth; and it was commanded to arise and devour much flesh. ‘ After that as I was looking I saw

another, like a Leopard, and it had four wings like a bird on its back, and four heads, and life and a Dominion were given to it. ‘Atter that -I looked and saw BEINGS in the visions of the night; ‘ Then I noted a Fourth Beast, Terrible, Dreadful, and very Strong! And it had iron teeth. It devoured much, and stamped and broke with its feet the rest. It was, however, different from all the previous beasts; and had Ten Horns. While I was

reflecting about the Horns, I observed another little horn rise amongst them , but three of the former horns were pulled up before it. I, also, observed eyes like human eyes in this Horn, and a mouth speaking magnilo— quently l ——- 907 26 28

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0907

The History of the People of Israel