Book of Daniel - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 908

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

DANIEL. I0 II I2 16 18 20 21 22 ‘I continued watching until the

throncs were Hung down, and The Spwmnoun 0F T1ME sat. His robes glittered like snow, and the hair of his head was like clean w001. His Throne was flames of fire! Its wheels iiashing fire! A river of fire proceeded, and flamed before him ; thousands of thousands served him; and crowds cm crowds stood before him.——He sat to judge; and the records were opened. I was looking for that time, be-

cause of the magniloquent words that the Horn spoke. I continued looking, until the

Beast was slain, and its body de- stroyed, and given to the burning fire l But the rest of the Beasts had a period of Dominion, and a continu· ance of life was given to them, for a Period, and 2, Time. ‘ I continued watching, in the vision

of the night, and saw in the clouds of the heavens one who was like a SON of MAN, who advanced to the Sprmznonn oF Time, and was intro- duced to him, and he gave him a Dominion, and Glory, and Kingship ; #and all Nations, and Peoples, and

Languages bowed to him. His Dominion will dominate for ever, and not pass away, and his Empire will not be destroyed. 1`he Spirit of myself, Daniel, was

pained in its sheath, and the thoughts of my head disturbed me, so I ad- vanced to one of the by-standers and determined to enquire of him what all this meant, and he replied to me, and explained its purport. ‘ Those four Great Beasts that you

have seen are four Empires, which will be established on the earth. The Saints of the MOST HIGH will after— wards take the Empire, and possess it for ever,eand for ever and ever! ‘Then I determined to ascertain

about the Fourth Beast, why it was diiierent from them,——terrihle, dread- ful, with teeth of iron, and its claws of hrass,——·devouring, trampling, and smashing the rest with its feet? And about the Ten Horns on its head, and the one that sprung up, when three fell before it? That Horn that had eyes and a mouth, and spoke magnilo- quently, and whose expression was more haughty than its companions ? So I continued watching, and that Horn made war with the Saints, and


OF Tim; arrived, and gave judgment for the Saints of the MOST HIGH, and the time came for the Saints to possess the Empire. ‘ Then he said, ‘ The Fourth Beast

is a Fourth Empire on earth. It will be different from all the Empires, and devour all the earth, and thrash it, and break it. And the Ten Horns of the Empire, are Ten Kingdoms that will arise; but another will arise after them, and it will differ from these kingdoms, and will depose three kings. It will also speak in opposition to the HIGHEST, and persecute the Saints of the Mosr HIGH, and determine to change the Times, and the Laws; and they will be given into his hand for a period, and periods, and half a period. Then the Tribunal will sit, and its Dominion will be terminated, and destroyed, and abolished completely, when the Empire, and Dominion and Grandeur of the Empire under the whole heavens, will be given to the Holy People of the MOST HIGH. His Empire is an eternal Empire, and all Dominions shall be subject to, and serve, Him.-——There is the end of these aHairs. ‘ I, myself, Daniel, reflected greatly, was troubled,·-and my thoughts

disturbed me, but I kept the matter 23 26 28 Wha ldisimt uf tbz ilimn mth ®uat. ‘ In the third year of the reign of King 8 Bel—Shazzar, a Vision appeared to me, Daniel, after the former one that appeared to me. And I looked at the Vision.--’I`he Vision came to me when I was at the Palace of Shu shan, which is in the Province of Elam,-—-—and it seemed in the Vision that Iwent to the river Auli, and lifting my eyes in the vision I looked, and saw a Ram stand by the river with two horns; and the horns were upright, and one higher than the other. But the higher grew up last. I watched the Ram pushing west, and north and south- ward. No animal could stand before him, and none could escape out of his power, but he did as he pleased, and became great. ‘ And I continued to look out, and

saw a He-Goat come from the west, above the surface of the earth, and not touching the ground, and the Goat had a strong horn between the eyes, and he went at the Ram with the two

defeated them, until the Srrnunoun I horns that I saw standing bythe river, 908

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0908

The History of the People of Israel