stand in his position and go against the army, and come to the fortress of the king of the North, and assail and seize; and also carry off captive their Gods with their Princes, and beautiful furniture of silver and gold, into the Mitzeraim and he will endure more years than the king of the North, who will advance to the dominions of the king of the South,——but return to his own country, and vigorously exert himself, and collect a numerous armyhand advance and Hood, and pass onwards, and arouse himself to his full strength. But the king of the South will be furious, and advance and fight with him;-with the king of the North,·——who had arranged the numerous host, but the crowd will be given into his power, and the crowd will be carried away.-'l`hen his spirit will be exalted, and he will defeat numbers,——but not suc- ceed, for the king of the North will return, and array a greater number than the former, and at the end of periods of years will advance with a great army and numerous cavalry. And at the same time many will arise against the king of the South ;···—and the fierce fellows of your People will rise up to accomplish this Vision,~——but will fail! 1`hen the king of the North will
come and pile up an Embankment, and capture the fortified Cities and the arms of the South, for his choice army will not be able to stand, and none have power to resist; but the assailant will do as he desires to him, for none can stand before him, but he will establish himself with destruc- tion in his hand, in the glorious land, and turn his face to advance with all the power of his Empire, and his squadrons with him, and succeed. But a daughter of women will be given to him to destroy him, but she will not attain, or come to him. I`hen he will set his face to the
Coasts, and capture many. But a prince will stop his incursions, indeed he will turn his insolence on himself, when he will return to the Capital of his own country, and stumble and fall, and not he found. 1`here will then succeed to his
omce an imposer of taxes upon the honour of the Empire, but in a few days he will be destroyed, yet neither in anger nor war. When a mean fellow will succeed to his Office, to whom they will not confer the honour of the Em- pire, but he will come in by briberies, and obtain the Empire by intrigue; and with force of a flood they will be overwhelmed and broken before him, and also the princely treaty; and he will work for himself by crafty nego- tiations, and advance and strengthen himself by a few people, and by peace he will bring his government to prosperity, and do what neither his fathers, nor his father’s fathers have done, by that, and distribute wealth and prosperity in it, and his policy will be against physical force for a period. ‘ But when he is strong and hearty
he will assail the king of the South with a great army; and the king of the South will contend in the war with a very great force, but will not succeed, for he will contrive plots against him, and those in his own pay will destroy him, and his army will be overwhelmed, and many fall wounded. ‘ And the intention of the two
kings will be to do mischief, and they will talk lies at one table,—···but not succeed,·—for the appointed end is at its period.--But he will return towards his own country with great wealth, when his heart will assail the Holy Covenant, and effect his purpose and return to his own country. 'After a period he will come again,
and advance to the South, but he will not meet with success as hc did formerly, for the ships of the Kathim willcome and assail him, so he will retreat, and be furicus and work against the Holy Covenant. ‘ Then he will turn and favour those
who abandon the Holy Covenant. And arms will succeed with him, and he will defile the Sanctuary of the Capital, and they will abolish the Perpetual Sacrifice, and establish the Desolating Brute. Then the re- volters from the Covenant will apostatize to dofilements:—-—but the C)l2 20