33 bc bold, and act. But the seducers of the People who control the Many, will perish by the sword, by dame, and in captivity, and by slaughter for 35 37 a period. But in their fall they will be helped with some assistance, and many will be joined to them by policy. And some of the teachers will fall to refine them, and purify and beautify them for the appointed time,-·for the period is future; therefore the king will e&`ect his object and exalt himself, and enlarge him- self like a. god, and against the GOD of GODS, uttering astonishing things. Yet he will prosper until his insolence is complete,—»~for what is decreed will be done. And he will neither reverence the God of his fathers, nor care for the delight of women, or care for any God, for he will exalt himself above all. ‘ But in hisplace he will honour the
Gon or Foizcn! And to that God, whom his ancestors did not acknow- ledge,he will pay honour with gold and silver, and precious stones, and
39 luxuries, and make strong fortresses to the strange God whom he admires. He will extend his glory, govern many, and allot the land for sale. But at the end of the period the King ofthe South will contend with him, and the North will rush against him with chariots and cavalry, and many ships, and advance to his terri·
41 tories, and flood and overflow, and arrive at the Glorious Land, where many will fall; but these will escape his hand,·—Edom and Moab, and the
42 Capital of the Beni-Amon. But he will extend his hand to the terri- tories, and the land of the Mitzeraim
43 will not be a refuge for them; for he will control her treasures of gold and silver, and all the luxuries of the Mitzeraim, and Lubim, and Kushim,
44 will be at his feet ;-—when reports from the East and the North will dis- turb him, and he will proceed in great
45 fury to destroy and devote many, and pitch his palatial tent between the seas, on the Glorious Holy Hill, then go to his reaping-—and none can save him. And at that period, Mikal, the Great Prince, who defends the chil· dren of your People, will stand up, and a period of distress will come, such as has not come from the exist» ence ofthe Nation to that period, but in that period your People shall escape.——All who are written in the Book of Record.-~And many sleeping in the dust of the earth will awaken. Some to Everlasting Life ;—-and some to Everlasting shame and contempt. But the Teachers will shine like Lights in space; and those who have led many to Righteousness, like Stars for ever and ever! So you, Daniel, conceal the events, and seal the record, until the fixed period, when many will travel and knowledge will be increased} Wh: §isimt nf ily: Etna Szuiinzlx. I, Daniel looked again, and saw 5 two Sentinels stand, one on this bank of the River, and the other on that bank of the River, and the man who 6 was clothed in trousers, who was upon How long is it to the end of these Then I listened to the man clothed 7 in trousers, who was on the waters of the river, as he held up his right and left hands to the heavens, and swore by the ETERNAL Lure, “ That in a Period, and a Period, and a Half; and when they have completely broken to pieces the power of the Holy People, all these would be accomplished. I heard but did not understand, My Lord, what will come after this ? ’ Go away, Daniel,
because that is hidden and sealed until the fixed time. Many will purify, and cleanse, and refine themselves. But the rebellious will be wicked, and none of the wicked will understand ; but the Teachers will understand. And from the Period when the Per- petual Sacrifice is taken away, and the Dnsonarmo Bnura is set up, there will be One Thousand, two hundred, and ninety days. Happy will be the Hopeful, who attain to the Thousand, Three hundred, and Thixtysiive days l——But, you, go until the Period :·—for you shall rest, and stand in your place, at the end of the times.” Tun Erm or ran Books or rz-in Paoraar Damnn. G 2 9T3 IO I! I2