47 Mqaabite, Alia}, and Aubcd, jashial, E the Metzobitc. And these came to David at Ziklag
while hc was shut out from the favour of Sau1·ben·Kish, and they were among the hard fxghters in battle. They could draw the bow with both right and left hand, in slinging stones or in shooting arrows. They were from Beujamim,-—tribesme¤ of Saul. The Commanders were Akhiazer, and ]oash,sous of Shamaa,theGhibaonite ; and Izual, a¤d_Felet, sons of Azmuth; and Berakah, and Alia, the Anathe- thite; and Ishmaiah, the Ghibaonite, a General in the Thirty, and who Commanded the Thirty; jeremiah, and jakhazial, and _}okhauan, and jozabad the Gherathité; Alnazi and jerimoth, and Baliah, and Shemariah, and Shefatiah, the Kharufxte; AI- kanah, and Ishiah, and Azaral, and japazer, ]ashabam, and joalah, and Zebadiah, sons of jerokham, from Ghedar. And from the Gadites there de-
serted to David, when in hiding in the Desert, brave men, Princes of war in battle. Trained to the shield and spear, and their faces were faces of lions, and they were swift as gazelles on the hills. Their Com- mander was Azer; Abadiah, the
ro Second; Aliab, the Third; Mish- manah, the Fourth; Iremiah, the
rx Fifth; Attn, the Sixth; Alial, the :2 Seventh; gokhanan, the Eighth; 13 Alsabad, t e Ninth; Iremiho, the Tenth; Makabani, the Eleventh. (1058 ec.)
from the Beni Gad; the least over a. hundred, the greatest over athousand. These were the men who crossed the jordan in the First month, when it was Hooded over `all its banks, and routed the whole of the Dalesxnen, both on the east and west. Some also came to David from the
Beni Benjamin, and judah, when in hiding, and David came out to meet them, and he addressed and said to If you come for peace and come to me to help me, my heart is ready to unite with you.-—But if to betray me to my oppressor, when there is no wrong in my hand, the Gob of our fathers will see it, and punish it.’ Then passion clothed Amasai, Commander of the Staf; We are yours, David! and with you, Son of jessail Peace, Peace! to you, and to your friends! For your GOD helps you! David then accepted them, and made themtcaptains of troops. Some also deserted from Menasseh
to David when he marched with the Philishtim to fight against Saul. But they did not help, for upon consulta- tion the Lords of the Philishtim sent He will desert with our heads to his Master, Saul i ’ When he marched to..Ziklag there deserted to him from Menasseh, Adinah, and gozabad, and Idiaal, and Mikal, joza ad, and Alihua, and Zilthi, Colonels of regiments that came from Menasseh, and they helped David with their troops, for they were all brave men, and they became Generals in the Army. From day to day also others came to help him, until there was a great army like a divine army. 18 20 Z! 22
(About 1056 B.c.) Ely; Bsrgglitg ®2nzrals tuba clutch gahih ns §iny. And these are from the records of
the Generals of Division of the Army, who came to David at Hebron, to transfer the Kingship of Saul to him, as the Evan-Lrvino commanded: With the Princes of the
Beni ]udah; carrying shield and spear-Six thousand, eight hundred, disciplined for war; From the Beni Simeon;
brave men of war, Seven thousand, one hundred; From the Beni Levi,—·-Four thousand, six hundred ; And jhoiada the Prince of
the Descendants from Aaron, and with him,-—Three thou- sand and seven hundred ; And Zadok a young brave
man, and the Officers of his father’s family,-—'I`wenty-two ; And from the Beni Benja-
min, the Tribe of Saul, Three thousand,——for until then the majority kept their duty to the House of Saul; From the Beni Ephraim, Twenty thousand and eight 0:4 6.soe 7.roo 4.6oo 3.7oo zz
3,ooo 23 26 28