First Book of Chronicles - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 955

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

12-31 HISTORY OF HOUSE OF DAVID.—I. CHRON. 13-14 33 34 35 37 39 huudred brave men of fame in their Ancestral Houses. And from the half tribe of

Menasseh, eighteen thousand, who were specined by their names to go to the Election of David to the Kingship ; And from the Beni Issakar,

of persons who understood the requirements of the times, what was best for Israel to do, two hundred, and all their tribe were at their command. From Zebulon, there came

an army disciplined for war, with all the equipments for battle, nfty thousand, disci- plined and unwavering. And from Nafthali, a thou-

sand Officers, and with them twenty—seven thousand shield and spear men. And from the Danites,

equipped for battle, twenty- eight thousand, six hundred. And from Asher, there ar-

rived an army equipped for battle of forty thousand. And over from the jordan ;

From the Reubenites, and Gadites, andthe Half Tribe ot Menassehmvith allthe military equipments for battle, a hnn— 20,800 18,000 200

50,000 28,000 28,600 40,000

dred and twenty thousand. i20,o0o A11 these were drilled soldiers,

perfectly disciplined to their hearts, who came to Hebron to elect David to the Kingship overall Israel; and also all the rest of Israel were of one heart to elect David to the King- ship, and were there with David for three days, eating and drinking, with their friends. Their connections also from as far off as Issakar, and Zebulon, and Nafthali, brought bread on asses and camels and mules, with cattle, with com, meal, dried figs, raisins ; and wine, and oil, and bullocks and sheep in abundance. For all Israel was glad. (1045 ac.) @alrih asks the ®2u2rals tu lialxz their ®lzztimt uf him ®¤n&rm2h by rr §iati¤¤alf!Bihilia1t iduting. 13 David afterwards consulted with the Generals, and Captains, and all

1 No·ra.-·Total of the electors for David

numerated above from the army was 330,822 men, an evidence of the large population of the Hebrew territories in xo45 n.c.····F. F. the Princes; and then David said to the Parliament of Israel; ‘ If it seems good to you, and

pleasing to our EvER·L1v1NG Gon, send to our brothers,-·-the remainder of our brothers in all the districts of Israel,—-and with them to the Priests and Levites in the suburbs of their Cities, let them collect to us, and we will seek the Ark of our Evan-Livruo Gon, for that has not been attended to in the days of And all the Parliament replied, ; for the thing

was right in the sight of all the People. Mya Qrlr brought up from §ritl; Juris:. David consequently convoked the

Representatives of all Israel from the River of Mitzer, to the Pass of Hamath, to bring the Ark of Gon from Krith—]arim. Then David, and the Representatives of Israel went up to the Corporation of Krith-jarim, which is in judah, to bring up the Ark of G0n,——-the Lonn dwelling with the Kerubim, who are represented there,-~—and carried the Ark of Gon upon a new waggon from the House of Abinadab; and Azah, and Akhio, the Priests, were in the waggon, while David and the Representatives of Israel rejoiced with all their power before GOD, with harps, and lutes, and drums, and timbrels, and trum- pets, and advanced as far as Kidens· barn, when Azah extended his hand to support the Ark, for the oxen were restive. But the anger of the LORD burnt against Azah, so he struck him, because he had extended his hand upon the Ark——so he died there before GOD! 1.0

David, however, was angry that the 1 r LORD had broken Azah, so he called that place Azah’s-breach. As it is till to—day. David also feared GOD, from The Ark of GOD So David did not transfer the Ark to the City of David, but placed it in the House of Abd~adom, an oihcer in his Palace, and the Ark of GOD remained in the house of Abd-adom three months. But the LORD blessed the family of Abd·ad0m, and all who were with him. I2

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0955

The History of the People of Israel