First Book of Chronicles - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 958

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

16-12 HISTORY OF HOUSE OF DAVID.-I. CHRON. 16-35 :2 16 18 20

21 22 26 28

33 34 35 Remember the wonders done, His proofs and the laws He made, You race of Israel His servant, You sons of jacob His chosen. S·rANzA 2. He is OUR Evsmuvmc Gon, His Laws are for all the Earth; He always remembers His Treaty ; For a thousand lives His word, Which He for our fathers wrote, And which He to Isaac swore, And fixed the Decree to jacob, A lasting Bond with Israel; I give you the Land, ; When you were few in number, But few and strangers there, When you wandered from Tribe to Tribe, In the kingdom of foreign peoples, He allowed {hem not to oppress, But punished kings for your sakes; ‘ Dare not to touch My anointed, And do My Preachers no harm! Sranza 3. Sing to the Loan all the Land, And daily proclaim His Trust! To the Nation proclaim His glory, His wonders to all the Peoples l For the LORD is Great and Grand, And His Splendour beyond all Gods! For the Pagan Gods are Idols; But the LGRD created the Heavens, Before Him are honour and splendour. In His dwelling are Power and joy! Sranza 4. Proclaim the LORD, you clans of the People Proclaim the Loan is Majestic and strong; Proclaim that the Loan is Majestic Exalt His Name with an offering, And come, and bow down before Him, To the Loan in this Holy Splendour i Srauza 5. All the earthrevolves before Him, Who fixed its unerring sphere! Let the S_kies proclaim to the Earth, The LGRD is King l ’ Let the Sea roar, and all its products, The Fields rejoice, and all therein, While the trees of the Wood are cheering, Before the Loki) who advances, To establish justice on Earth! Srimza 6. Oh, praise the LORD for His goodness, For His Mercy endures for ever! Our Gon will save us Save, collect, and free from the Heathen, or.8
Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0958

The History of the People of Israel