M0ses.—·But Aaron was separated to Sanctiiication. He and his sons were strictly Consecrated for ever to offer incense before the EVER-L1VmG, and to serve Him, and to bless in His Name for ever. The Sons of Moses the MAN of
GOD, however, were enumerated with the Tribe of Levi. The sons of Moses, were, Ghershom and Aliazer; Of the sons of Ghershom; Shebual, was the Chief. And the sons of Aliazer were
Rekhabiah, the Chief, and Aliazer had no other sons. But the sons of Rekhabieh, were too many to recount;
18 Of the sons of Itzahr Shelomith was the Chief; 19 Of the sons of Khabron jerihu was the Chief; Amariah the Second; jakhaziai the Third; and jakmas the 20 21
and Kish. But Alazar died and had no sous,———cn1y daughters,·—and their cousins the sons of Kish married them. The sons of Mushi were three, Makhli, and Adar and jermoth; These were the Ancestral Houses
of the Beni Levi, according to the entries in the record of the names on their Registers. They administered the affairs of the services of the House of the EvER·r.1v1NG, on arriv- ing at twenty years old and upwards. the Evmz-Lxvmc GOD of Israel will bring comfort to His People of Israel, and they will dwell in jerusalem for ever; so the Levites will not be needed to carry the Tabernacles, and all the instru- Therefore by the last commands of David, the Beni Levi from twenty years old and up- wards were registered. Their Station was to assist the Beni Aaron in the Services of the House of the EVER- LIVING in the Courts and in the Chambers, and in the Puriticatories for all the Sacred things; and to do the work of the House of GOD; and about the Show-—bread, and Hue flour for the Food~offeririg both of the Unfermented Biscuits and Food- oifering; and about the confections, and all the liquids, and the vest- ments. And also to stand {rom Morning to Morning to thank and praise the EvxR—L1v1NG and the same at Dusk. And in all the Burnt Offerings
burnt to the Evan-Lxvmc on the Days of Rest; and the New—moons; and to record the Festivals according to the Decree laid upon them,-—to be continually in the presence of the Even-Livmc. They also formed the Guards of the Hall of Assembly; and the Guards of the Sanctuary; and the Guards of the Beni Aaron, their relatives, when serving in the House of the Evsx—r.rvmc. Gb: Qniizn nf the Sumilg uf §¤rmr. Now for the arrangements for the 24 Beni Aaron. The sons of Aaron were, Nadab,
and Abhiua, Aliazar, and Aithamar. But Nadab and Abihua died before their father, and had no sons, there- fore Aliazar and Aithamar were Priests. But David arranged, that, from the
Beni Aliazar, Zadok,———and from the Beni Aithamar, Akimalek, should be appointed for the Services. But more of the Beni Aliazar were ad- vanced to be men of power, than from the Beni Aithamar. Consequently there were assigned to the Beui Aliazar, as Heads of Houses, sixteen; and to the Beni Aithamar, as Heads of Houses, eight. They were, how- ever, assigned by lots, one with another; so that there were Princes of the SANCTUARY, and Princes of GOD, both from the Beni Aliazar, and the Beni Aithamar. And Shemiah- 6 ben-Nathanal the Secretary recorded them from among the Levites in the presence of the King and his Omcers, and of Zadok the Priest and Akimalek- ben-Abiathar. And for the Ancestral Princes of
the Priests and Levites, one Ances- tral House was taken from Aliazar, and one taken from Aithamar, when the first lot came out to jhoiarib; the second to jedaiah; the third to Kharim; the fourth to Sarim; the fifth to Malakiah; the sixth to Shishi; the seventh to Akotz; the eighth to Abiah; the ninth to jeshua; the tenth to Shikaniah; the eleventh to Aliashib; the twelfth to Jakim; the thirteenth to Khufah; the fourteenth 965 IO II I2