First Book of Chronicles - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 966

The Psalms, Solomon and Sacred Writers

24--14 HISTORY OF HOUSE OF DAVID.—I. CHRON. 25--20 16 18 20 2: 22 28 to jcshebab ; the iiftccuth to Bilgah; thc sixteenth to Shishah; the seven- teenth to Khezir; the eighteenth to Haiitzitz; the nineteenth to Fethiah ; the twentieth to Ikhzekel ; the twenty- first to jakim; the twenty-second to Gamul; the twenty·thi1·d to Deliah; the twenty-fourth to Maziah. Qitcuhaniz $PF¤iui2h fur the @21:1;:12. These were appointed to be their duties 2-- To enter the House of the Loma,

as instructed by the hand of their ancestor Aaron, as he was instructed by the Even-1.1vNG Gon of Israel. But to the others of the Beni Levi; from the Beni Amram, Shubai;

from the Beni Shubal, jakhdiah; From Rekhabiah,~·—from the Beni Rekhabiah,—·the Chief Ishiah. From the Itzarites,~··—Shelomith ; from the Beni Shi1omith,——]akhath. Of the Beni jeriah, Amariah was

second; jakhzial the third ; jekamam, the fourth. From the Beni Azial, Mikah; from

the Beni Mikah, Shamor; with the brother of Miksh, Ishiah; from the sons of Ishiah,-——Zekeriah. From the Beni Memri, Makhli and

Mushi, from the sons of jaziah, his son. From the Beni Merari, also were

jaziah ; Beno ; and Sham; and Zakur; and Abri. From the Mahlites,-·~A1azath; who had no sons. From Kish,—of the Beni Kish, Irakhmal; From the Beni Mushi,—-Maklhi; and Adar; and jeromoth. These were from the Beni Levi, by

Ancestral Houses, who also threw their dice along with their relatives of the Beni Aaron, before King David, and Zadok, and Akimaiek, and the Ancestral Chiefs, for the Priests; and with the Ancestral Chiefs for the Levites, along with their lower relatives. (1015 ec.) Qnhin unhiiln ®2nernls hnmimtiz il;2 Singrrs. 25 David and the Generals of the Army selected also some of the sons of Asaph, and Heyman,and jeduthun, the reciters with harps, lutes, and From the sons of Asaph,——Zakur,

and joseph, and Nethaniah, and Asharalah, sons of Asaph, who were under the hand of Asaph, the Reciter, in the presence of the King; From the sons of jeduthun; jedu-

thun, Geddiah, and Tzari, and Ishihu; Khashabihu, and Natithiah, six under the hand of their father

jeduthun, to recite thanks and praise to the Even-L1v1No with the lute; From the sons of Heyman ;——Hey-

man, Bukihu, Mathaniah, Azial, Shebual, and jeremoth; Khananiah, Khanani, Aliathah, Gidalthi, and Romamthi ; Azar, jashbakshah, Malathi, Hothir, Makazioth; who were all sons of Heyman, the King’s Seer, in discourse with GOD. (They played the horn), for GOD had given Hayman fourteen sons and three daughters. All of them were under the hand of their father, to sing in the House of the Evan-Livmo with Cymbals, Lutes, and Harps, for the Service of the House of Gon. Asaph, and jecluthun and Heyman were under the control of the King. The whole number of the Trained

Singers to the Evnn—L1v1N<; with their associates, was two hundred and eighty-eight. They alsothrew lots for their mutual Ofnces, whether small or great,·~···both the teachers and the scholars. But the First lot came out for

Asaph and }oseph; the second for Gedaliah,—for him and his com- panions,—for his sons were twelve; The third for Zikur, and his twelve sons and companions; The fourth for Itzri, and his twelve sons and companions; The fifth for Nathanihu, and his twelve sons and companions ; T he sixth to Bukihu, and his twelve sons and companions; The seventh to Isaralah, and his twelve sons and companions; ’I`he eighth to jeshihu, and his twelve sons and companions; The ninth to Nathanihu, and his twelve sons and companions; The tenth to Asiri, and his twelve sons and companions; IO II I2 16

The eleventh to Azaral, and his 18 twelve sons and companions; The twelfth to Khashabiah, and rg his twelve sons and companions; cymbals, and a certain number of | The thirteenth to Shubal, and his 20 twelve sons andcompanions; men to perform regularly: 966

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0966

The History of the People of Israel